The Pizzagate ‘conspiracy theory’ – the lead

In another blog titled ‘Paedophilia and pizza codes’, I referred to an article by the New York Post which was originally titled ‘Award Winning ABC Journalist who ‘debunked’ Pizzagate, pleads guilty in horrific child porn case’ and I wrote that in a next piece, I will tackle the ‘pizzagate’ theory which was dumbed as another ‘conspiracy theory’.

The boy lover triangle symbol had appeared on a video of a music group called Sex Stains:

They had played at Comet Ping Pong, a restaurant in Washington DC:

It is best known for its pizzas, ping pong tables in its basement, and, believe it or not, high-profile clients like Hillary Clinton, and the Obamas, and what has been dubbed as the ‘pizzagate conspiracy theory’.

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