Daphne’s murder, the HSBC Heist Edwina Grima, the removal of Magistrate Scerri Herrera – can Peter and Matthew Caruana Galizia tell us who are the lodge’s crooks they are protecting and who are the lodge’s crooks protecting them?

We had the case of Fr David Muscat where the prosecution manoeuvred the case and changed the judge when it was nearing its end from Judge Consuelo Scerri Herrera to Edwina Grima.

We had the case of Yorgen Fenech losing his case over Edwina Grima presiding over his trial.

We had the case of Judge Consuelo Scerri Herrera deciding not to preside over the trial of the failed HSBC bank heist of 2010 after Vince Muscat il-Koħħu had filed an application objecting having Scerri Herrera as a judge since the judge’s brother was the sitting minister Jose Herrera. This is because Muscat was ready to name Labour politicians and their alleged involvement in the case. But Muscat had also declared that he was not referring to Jose Herrera when he said that “two high-profile Labour politicians can be linked to the case.” So, excuse me, what was the problem?
But the Degiorgios already gave us the names. They mentioned Chris Cardona and David Gatt. We only need another Labour politician – the “unnamed political figure”. Could it be the former OPM-chief of staff, the omnipresent name of Keith Schembri?

Anyway, who assigned the case to a new judge? Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti, the same Chief Justice in the Jean Marc Dalli’s case and the same Chief Justice who presided the Court of Criminal Appeal of the Degiorgio brothers. Who is the new judge? Judge Edwina Grima.

Malta is so small. Same building with the stairs. Same Chief Justice. Same cases with the same names coming up. Same judge. Same tricks. Same games:

Judge Consuelo Scerri Herrera happened also to be the magistrate who visited the murder scene of Daphne Caruana Galizia but not because she was appointed such but because she happened to be the on-duty magistrate and thus went on site as her duty required her to do. She had also appointed a number of experts while proceeding to launch her inquiry.

But it happened that the untouchable Galizias objected and called on the magistrate to abstain. The reason they gave was because they lacked confidence in her since she was attacked by the pen of Daphne Caruana Galizia with Scerri Herrera suing.

It was the untouchable Peter Caruana Galizia as well as other members of the untouchable family who filed a court application requesting that Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera abstain from continuing to conduct the magisterial inquiry into the journalist’s murder and that another magistrate be appointed.

This application was filed by the not-so-great Galizia’s parte civile team: lawyer Jason Frejjeġ u Gideb Opus Dei Azzopardi, who had attended Yorgen Fenech’s wedding, which his memory did not store and from whose company he had gotten a pilgrimage holiday to pray on Christ’s tomb. Then we have Karol Aquilina of the “brother” and “fardal” talk during the PAC meeting in the exchange with freemason and ex-magistrate Carol Peralta.

But Daphne is dead and absent in the case so what could Scerri Herrera do to harm the case?

Dear readers, from now on, if any of you happen to be involved in a court case and you don’t like the judge or magistrate, apply to the same building with the stairs and all will be sorted for you as long as you are not a relative or friend of Yorgen Fenech. But if you are a relative or a friend of the Galizias or happened to have been given a pilgrimage holiday by the Tumas Group, your wish will be granted just the same. If you do not like the final sentence of your case uttered against you, appeal it and try to find the help of the Office of the Attorney General to have Judge Edwina Grima presiding over your appeal case.

But it happened that, by a pure coincidence, before Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera stepped down from the inquiry into the murder of Daphne and coincidentally, as soon as the untouchable Galizias filed the application, she had summoned witnesses to court just hours into the inquiry, which raised and should be, up till this day, raising eyebrows. Among those, we find the same names coming up – Chris Cardona and Keith Schembri. How many coincidences!

Matthew and Peter Caruana Galizia my question is direct: do you really want the crooks behind Daphne’s murder to be arrested and imprisoned for eternity or are you protecting and being protected by the same crooks of the checkered lodge because you both happen to play ludo on the checkered floor of the same lodge?

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