The variations in the Covid Vaccine efficacy rates confirm the media hype of much ado about science.

What follows is a list of the different percentages of effectiveness given by the pharmaceutical companies experts and politicians for the anti-Covid vaccines. These different percentages were all taken from articles published in the media. The variations are from 50% efficacy to 100% efficacy for the same vaccines. Shakespeare has named one of his comedies much ado about nothing. These variations confirm that there is much ado about science.

“The Pfizer vaccine is 100 percenteffective for people this age study finds.”

“J&J asks for booster go-ahead says second vaccine dose provides 100 percentCOVID protection.”

“COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca confirms 100% protectionagainst severe disease hospitalisation and death in the primary analysis of Phase III trials.”

“Pfizer/BioNTech says its Covid-19 vaccine is

100% effectiveand well tolerated in adolescents.”

“Pfizer/BioNTech says Covid vaccine is 100% effectivein kids age 12 to 15.”

“Moderna says its Covid vaccine is 100% effective in teens plans to seek FDA OK in early June.”“The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is 100 percent effectiveat this one thing – this is why Dr. Fauci says the new vaccine has shown ‘spectacular results.’”

“Real-world vaccine study shows 99% effectiverate.”

“Israeli Health Ministry: Pfizer vaccine close to 99 percent effective.”

“Pfizer coronavirus vaccine is 98% effective– expert.”

“Pfizer vaccine 97% effective against symptomatic COVID-19 study shows.”

“Pfizer vaccine 96.7% effectiveat preventing COVID deaths Israeli data shows.”

“Moderna vaccine is more effective against COVID-19 infection at 96% compared to Pfizer shot at 89% another study finds.”

“OneCovid vaccine jab 96.6% effectivein averting deaths two 97.5%: Centre.”

“Updated Pfizer Data shows vaccine is 95% effective.”

“The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are 94 percent effectiveat preventing hospitalization in older adults a study finds.”

“Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine still 93% effectiveafter 6 months company says.”

“Vaccine 92% effectiveagainst Delta variant: AstraZeneca.”

“CDC Reports Two Vaccines 91% effective.”

“CDC: Pfizer Moderna vaccines are 90% effectivein real-world conditions.”

“Novavax Covid vaccine is 89% effectiveand could be approved in UK in weeks.”

“Study:  Pfizer vaccine 88 percent effective against delta variant.”

“Getting both Covid-19 vaccine shots has 87% efficacy:  Japanese University study.”

“Pfizer COVID vaccine 86% effectiveafter third shot-Maccabi.”

“Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine 85% effectiveafter single dose Israeli researchers find.”

“Pfizer’s CEO says COVID vaccine effectiveness drops to 84% after six months.”

“Pfizer says immunity can drop to 83% within four months in people who got its COVID-19 shot further bolstering the company case for a booster.”

“Coronavirus First Dose is 82% effectivein preventing death second dose 95% effective: Study”

“Bharat Biotech’s Covid-19 vaccine shows interim efficacy of 81%.”

“One dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines was 80% effectivein preventing Covid in CDC study of health workers.”

“AstraZeneca vaccine found to be 79% effectivein U.S. trial ‘no increased risk’ of blood clots.”

“Pfizer COVID vaccine shows 78% efficacyin pregnancy.”

“AstraZeneca says COVID-19 vaccine 76% effectivein new analysis to seek U.S. approval.”

“Covid vaccine effectiveness FALLS as low as 75% against Delta study warns.”

“Effectiveness of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine drops to 74% after five months study finds as the US prepares to roll out boosters next month.”

“Moderna vaccine 72% effective against Covid after just one dose.”

“Johnson & Johnson booster waiting on approval original dose only 71% effective.”

“Pfizer vaccine 70% effectiveagainst Delta variant claims study.”

“Full COVID-19 vaccination provides 69% protection against infection by Delta variant: Singapore study.”

“Johnson & Johnson vaccine is 68% effectiveon COVID-19 strains seeks FDA approval.”

“First DNA Covid Vaccine Found 67% Effectivein Clinical Trials.”

“CDC: COVID-19 vaccines 66% effectiveagainst Delta variant.”

“CanSinoBIO’s COVID-19 vaccine 65.7% effectivein global trials Pakistan official says.”

“Pfizer vaccine protection against infection declines to 64% in Israel.”

“Covid-19:  Oxford vaccine could be 59% effectiveagainst asymptomatic infections analysis shows.”

“Researchers: Best Covid-19 vaccines 58% effectiveat 250 days.”

“Johnson and Johnson 1-dose vaccine tests only 57% effectiveagainst South African COVID-19 variant.”

“Novavax vaccine 51 percent effectiveagainst South African COVID-19 variant:  study.”

[Grand drape. Intermission]

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