Is the EU hoarding avian flu vaccines for humans?

In Centerpoint interview on 30th March 2022 former director for the CDC Dr. Robert Redfield  stated:

“I’ve always said that the covid pandemic was a wake up call. I don’t believe its “the great pandemic’. I believe ‘the great pandemic’ is still in the future and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It’s going to have significant mortality in the 10-50% range. It’s going to be trouble.”

Now it happens that after being the excuse for the culling of millions of poultry to cause more disruption in the food chain the Daily Mail reported that the bird flu has caused the first human death. The death happened to also occur in China by a 56-year-old Chinese woman who died not from the H5N1 influenza but from the H3N8 bird flu strain. The Daily Mail added that although this woman became ill on 22nd February and was admitted to hospital with severe pneumonia on 3rd March she passed away on the 16th of March thirteen days later. However the media portal adds that China took a month to report the case and the WHO was not informed until the 27th of March.

The same WHO is reported stating: “Since avian influenza viruses continue to be detected in poultry populations further sporadic human cases are expected in the future.” Can Dr Fearne being in the WHO let us know what is going on and if something is up for the near future?

The Daily Mail adds that the H3N8 is one of the most common strains in birds but is not only poorly adapted to infect people but is a strain which is not thought to spread with humans. So how come we had the first human death from H3N8 among the three cases which were diagnosed with the same strain?

Another important factor which we get to know is that “

Vaccine makers say they are ‘standing ready’ for human bird flu pandemic”.

This news was also taken up by Reuters which reported that vaccine makers are prepping bird flu shots for humans ‘just in case’ while rich nations lock in supplies. It reported that:

“Some of the world’s leading makers of flu vaccines say they could make hundreds of millions of bird flu shots for humans within months if a new strain of avian influenza ever jumps across the species divide.” GSK Plc Moderna Inc and CSL Seqirus owned by CSL Ltd are already developing or testing sample human vaccines “as a precautionary measure against a future pandemic.” Other companies like Sanofi said that they are standing by to begin production if the need arises.

What should raise eyebrows however is an Italian article of the portal “La Verita’” of 23rd March which states that the EU is already hoarding bird flu shots for humans while refraining from publishing contracts. The article states that Stefan de Keersmaecker who is the spokesperson for the public health and food safety for the European Commission replied to an Italian journalist that they are already prepared and that the vaccines are already ready. He even announced that the Commission has already signed backup contracts with GSK and Seqirus to acquire these vaccines in case of a pandemic. Is there any trace of these contracts? Have nations been told this?

Can Roberta Metsola or any Maltese MEP verify this claim and inform the Maltese nation.

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