The story of Queen Lactatia: innocent women and children are the victims of the ‘trans’ cult movement

On an Instagram post JF Turton posted the following post:

I am presuming that this is the same Jonathan Frederick Turton a photographer and multi-media producer that has worked with some of the world’s biggest brands and creative agencies. If one had to visit his website other controversial photographs will meet the eye.
The photo being disgusting as it is talks of the interviewing and photographing of Nemis Quinn Mélançon Golden a now 14-year-old Montreal LGBTQ+ advocate who goes by the stage name of Queen Lactatia since a very young age and has been on the news ever since the age of 8.

His “drag queen” impersonating is portrayed as being of an honour by the LGBT+ Community. However critics who support the family claim that his parents and any other adults who encourage the boy to take part in the lewd shows are abusing him.

As a cross-dressing boy he is rising to fame on social media thanks to “gay” media after performing on stage in late May alongside drag performer “Bianca Del Rio” at the Montreal stop of the “Werq the World Tour.” Del Rio calls Nemis “[f—k—g] adorable” while he is sporting red eyeliner lipstick painted nails a curly blond wig and a black woman’s gown with sequins.

In a “Best Kept Montreal” video(now approaching 700 000 views) Del Rio jokes about giving the boy “a shot” (of liquor) and calls him a “bitch ” applying the typical drag putdown-vernacular to the child. After “Lactatia” picks another drag queen as his favorite Del Rio says “Even though I’m not your favorite you’re my [f—k-n’] favorite.”

“Lactatia … I love the fact that you’re here. What I love most about this is that your mom is here with you supporting you ” says Del Rio pointing to Nemis’ mother in the audience as the crowd roars in approval.”

In an interview with the parents by Best Kept Montreal writer Riley James their comments begin with: “When Nemis is out of character he identifies as a boy and in drag as a girl. Drag for Nemis is about the performance the character. When he’s Lactatia becoming her character he’s a girl with a penis.”

Like every other pro-family advocate  Illinois Family Institutecultural writer Laurie Higgins was aghast at the specter of a young boy embracing the “drag queen” lifestyle stating: “This is unambiguous and shameful child abuse. Through the ‘trans’ cult movement evil is being promoted as good and innocent women and children are the victims.”

In December 2017 Teen Vogue had described him as “Lactatia 9-Year-Old Drag Queen Inspires Us to Live Colorfully” while doing its best to promote such child abuse and the trans cult movement to teenagers.

And according to the Free Thought Project “10yo boy posing with naked adult man is “beautiful” and not “sexualised”:

This sparked outrage on Twitter and even an LGBT person commented back to the tweet stating that: “This is why I hate being a part of the lgbt community they make us look horrible.”

X (Formerly Twitter)