Show me a man that gets high positions in the WHO by pushing agendas as a politician and I will show you Chris Fearne.

After endorsing the deadly Covid-19 protocol which almost killed my dad while killing many other patients; after leading Malta bravely through the pseudo-pandemic; after becoming the local scientific mouthpiece for Big pHARMa Inc & Co et al; after encouraging people to take the experimental Covid-19 vaccines and then opening the door for abortion Chris Fearne got another reward on top of the other two he has been rewarded with since the start of Covid-19.

Rewards always come to those who obey the rules that come from High Up especially for those who are also part and parcel of these High Up cults. So now Chris Fearne has been nominated for the role of president of the World Health Assembly.

For Fearne this reward is a demonstration of confidence in the Maltese health system. According to ONE NEWS media portal this World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of the WHO attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific agenda related to health prepared by an Executive Board.

ONE NEWS being one for all for Dr Fearne failed to ask matters like: is ventilating people who can breathe for themselves and pumping the deadly Remdesivir in their blood two of those specific agendas? Is misleading people to trust deadly experimental Covid-19 vaccines which are maiming them and killing them another of this agenda? It will be of interest for this HEALTH Assembly to do some examinations so to start answering these questions and check why measures of “health” were turned into measures of real death.

Dr Fearne are these positions something that were in the pipeline before or during Covid-19 for leading the nefarious agendas and for achieving certain nefarious targets? Was this position given to you because of the treaty that the World Health Organization wants to impose on the sovereign states? Is the debate about the new WHO treaty which is scheduled for the 17th of April part of this agenda? Dr Fearne will you somehow be part of the discussion of this treaty?

This site has already spoken about the dangers of this treaty but the latest developments rotate around various factors. The real danger to national sovereignty doesn’t lie with the treaty itself but it lies within the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulation (IHR). This is due to the fact that the IHR is an existing law and consequently any amendments require a simply majority of the Member States (97 votes) to pass.

“Each country will then have six months to opt out (reduced from eighteen months by the World Health Assembly (WHA). If a country does not opt out during that timeframe it will be assumed they have accepted the amendments by virtue of being an existing signatory to the IHR. These IHR draft amendments are:

Expand the definition of pandemic and health emergencies including the introduction of the word “potential” for harm rather than “actual” harm and the definition of “health products” is expanded to include any commodity or process that may impact on the response or “improve the quality of life”;

Change the recommendation of the IHR from “non-binding” to “mandatory” instructions that the Member States undertake to follow and implement;
Solidify the Director General’s ability to independently declare emergencies;

Establish an extensive surveillance process in all Member States which the WHO will verify regularly through a country review mechanism;

Enable the WHO to share country data without consent;

Give the WHO control over certain country resources including requirements for financial contributions and provision of intellectual property (within the expanded definition of “health products”);

Ensure country support for promotion of censorship activities by the WHO to prevent alternative/dissenting approaches and concerns from being freely disseminated; and

Change existing IHR provisions affecting individuals from non-binding to binding including border closures travel restrictions confinement (read quarantine) medical examinations and medication (to include requirements for injection with vaccines or other pharmaceuticals).

Dr Fearne can you enlighten us better about this? Are nations aware that if these amendments pass the IHR will clearly cede sovereignty of health to the WHO and its sponsors? I am sure you will liaise with Prime Minister Abela to inform him better on how Malta will be screwed:

It will be of interest for this HEALTH Assembly to do some examinations on how measures of “health” were turned into measures of real death. Dr Fearne are these positions something that were in the pipeline before or during Covid-19 for leading the nefarious agendas and for achieving certain nefarious targets?

Chris Fearne nominat għar-rwol ta’ President tal-World Health Assembly tal-WHO

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