“He-who-must-not-copy-and-mimick-and-speak – Saviour Balzan”

When I came across the article by Malta Today written by the chief-in-command of the Malta of Today Saviour Balzan I was compelled to write about it for one specific reason but it was not the right timing.

When I started seeing that the mainstream media is being again struck by the contagion factor of taking up others’ creativity because it failed to cultivate one then I acknowledged that the right timing has come.

I have already showed in the past how local media portals have come up with ideas which were not theirs along these past three years but which they made theirs after reading various articles published on this site:


The local mainstream media has embraced the habit of taking up articles whose originality does not belong to it. – PART 1.

The local mainstream media has embraced the habit of taking up articles whose originality does not belong to it. – PART 2.

Then we had the latest Times of Malta’s article “Let the good times roll – Alan Zelt” which was already analysed by this site. So since the contagion factor seems to be on the rise again it is time that the readers walk with me through an analysis and some observations of Saviour Balzan’s article “He-who-must-not-be-named.”

I remind the readers that both Profs Simon Mercieca and this site were often the targets of Balzan. Profs Mercieca like myself was often labelled a “conspiracy theorist” which is the typical label that honours truthers and which has been given throughout history so that they are mocked by those who are not able to admit that they are suffering from a delusion disorder. Instead of those “labellers” being honest and saying that they don’t have the cognitive capacity to actually think critically for themselves they default to believe whatever they are told to believe and what the masses believe so that they never have to feel as dumb as they actually are.

Balzan had even called Profs Mercieca “a gun for hire” and “Solomon’s wise guy”. This is what self-inflated balloons do. They inflate themselves until they explode and their shattered pieces dirty the environment.

And while continuing to dump more hypocritical narcissists in the coalition water tank we can now also enjoy adding the drop of Balzan. In the above article Balzan decided that for those few rare moments he notices the narrative being played in which there was the effort to not have the name of Joseph Muscat mentioned in the Steward/Vitals fiasco . We all know how the narrative was played when he blessed us with his appearances on “Xtra” and any other comedy show of his where yawning between one sentence of his to the next was a must.

To make matters clear from the start I do not mind to have Malta Today calling a spade a spade. But when they play around holding and wearing Hypocrisy’s mitre I get again the urge to puke and squirm at such impostures’ postures.

I remind the readers what Profs Mercieca had written in his piece “The facts that Saviour Balzan is forgetting:”

I also remind the readers about the information which was also disclosed by Profs Simon Mercieca regarding rewards and benefits which Saviour Balzan continued to enjoy under the government of Muscat:

Hence Saviour Balzan’s article is a syndrome of Judas reminding me of when Judas betrayed Yeshua with a kiss!

As a final analysis of Balzan’s article I couldn’t not observe the following: after the publishing of my blog titled “A new study shows that Remdesivir also causes bradycardia: Dr. Fearne owes the Maltese nation an explanation about the authorization of its use on COVID-19 patients” on 26th February whereby I concluded with a paragraph referring to some facts in the series of Harry Potter:

“Dr Fearne are you by any chance doing some research about remdesivir and looking for the answers in a book by Charlatan Pfizer in the library of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with the WHO Wizard Council among magic potionsand charlatan quackish science class in one of the checkered lodges of Big Pharma Inc & Co et al?”

…what did Balzan the saviour do in his article published a week later precisely on the 6th of March? He came up with a sub-heading under the heading which is then also repeated in his article which reads:

“It was like a clip from Harry Potter when everyone in the film refers to ‘You-Know-Who’ or ‘He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’ rather than say his name aloud. In this case it was not Voldemort but Joseph Muscat.”

Apart from the fact that this sub-heading feels rigid and out of context and place because this is what happens when one copies or mimicks it is clear that Balzan got stuck in creating something new for his article which is understandable after so many years of doing some bigilla and galletti journalism about the Malta of Today and about the local political puppet show on his tell-a-vision programs where the lies of the same political puppet show and bigilla and galletti journalism were told visually.

The funniest part of it all if we want to call it such is that Saviour Balzan took his copied idea from a site pertaining to a University professor whom he called “a gun for hire” and “Solomon’s wise guy” via a blog written by a woman who is most probably according to him another “conspiracy theorist.”

Saviour Balzan/Keith Schembri: the morning after the 1am phone-call

Saviour Balzan/Keith Schembri 1am phone-call scandal: now you can see how the libel courts are abused

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