Evarist Bartolo should stop being the superfluous amongst the elitist coalitions.

Former minister Evarist Bartolo expressed gratitude to the people of Malta for not electing him in the general election of the previous year during an interview on the F Living Show.

“I have one of the best political records in Malta’s history very few people contested eight elections and were elected on two districts in the first seven of them ” he said. How superfluous!

Is this the pathetic way how politicians measure their successful political records? Did the educational system improve under Bartolo’s watch? The policies a politician enacts the projects a politician works on and a politician’s votes in parliament are what really matter when it comes to political records and success; not the votes a politician received or the number of times a politician was elected.

Isn’t this the way opportunists talk? Is there some sort of wind of change blowing? Is Evarist joining who? Why is he being given more coverage by Lovin Malta through the Saħħa u Sliem footages?

Let us go back down memory lane shall we? Shall we remind ourselves how he used to approve everything that is wrong like the Gender Ideology towing the party line while turning into a morning bathroom philosopher?

Back in 2016 Evarist Bartolo the Minister for Education back then in cahoots with the Minister for Family and Social Solidarity Helena Dalli was presented a book called “Truly Willa” by an 8-year-old transgender child Willa Naylor. This was criticised by many others including Pauline Miceli the Children’s Commissioner who had said “that it was potentially harmful for Willa to become a ‘symbol of the situation of transgender children.’”

The nation must also be repeatedly reminded that the launch of the policy document entitled the “Trans Gender Variant and Intersex Students in schools policy” was done back in 2015 by the education ministry headed by Evarist Bartolo himself!

And when in the same year the LBTIQ Consultative Council imposed its agenda on the schools in 2015  with Gabi Calleja presenting the Education Ministry with 140 LGBTIQ books Evarist Bartolo not even didn’t in any way stop it but had stated that the government was in favour of this measure as it is in line with its “education for all principle”.

“‘NGOs drive institutions towards the needs of civil society and we hope that this measure will become widespread across all public schools in time ’ Bartolo said.”

“‘Education should be such that it is as inclusive and diversified as possible ’ Bartolo added explaining that the stories brought to the fore human emotions and situations which might be difficult for some to relate to.”[1]

He had also stated that the government would now work to ensure that LGBTIQ books were included on all library lists. But after being severely criticised and condemned with a backlash from the parents at the time who refused to have their four-year-olds to be LGBTIQ programmed and who had read the press releases issued by the MGRM Evarist Bartolo found himself constrained to issue a press statement through the government’s Department of Information backtracking on the matter:

And then both Evarist and Gabi changed the tune. Għax jekk ma ngħaddux mill-bieb ngħaddu mit-tieqa! So the government’s new tune became that the books “could be handed out to teachers and councillors” instead. To do what with them? Keep them nicely on a shelf? U ħalluna naqra! Titmejlu bil-poplu!

Evarist had said that in view of concerns raised by parents rightly so the books would not be distributed to children. BUT a ministry spokesman had told the Times of Malta that the “books could still make their way into schools.”

“MGRM head Gabi Calleja said handing out the books to students was never really on the cards anyway.” Really? Fast forward to 2023 and without the parents’ consent and without any daqq tat-trombi on the press and tv with no media reporting whatsoever the LGBTIQA+ agenda is being imposed on our children. And while current Education Minister Clifton Grima bypassed parental consent and dictated to teachers to adhere to the LGBTIQA+ agenda former Education Minister Evarist Bartolo had paved the way for this to happen.


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