Analysing critically the Marburg virus outbreak

After having the Equatorial Guinea declaring an outbreak of the Marburg virus last February with the WHO saying that there have been 202 suspected deaths from the outbreak in the country and with authorities in Tanzania looking into eight new cases now “the UAE and Saudi Arabia have issued warnings over the spread of the deadly Marburg virus.”

Ministries in both the UAE and Saudi Arabia are now advising citizens against travelling to these African nations.

The questions that we have to ask about this Marburg virus and its outbreak are various. The first would be “What led the alleged existing covid-19 virus to travel with the speed of light from China to the rest of the world which does not seem to be the same modus operandi of this Marburg virus which so far is only travelling in African countries?” The second would be “Could it be that the Covid-19 vaccines lot and batches which were administered in Africa were laced with the Marburg virus which would make it another weaponised virus?” The third would be “Could it be that this is not truly a Marburg virus but these are collective symptoms which the vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccines are exhibiting?”

The fourth question would be why did the WHO immediately convene an emergency meeting on the 10th of March about this Marburg virus entitled “How can we prepare for the next Marburg outbreak?” How come did it already know in advance what was going to happen?

Last but not least one of the topics during the above meeting’s agenda was “Review of core trial protocols for vaccines and therapeutics.” Clearly vaccines will be offered as a solution for this Marburg virus outbreak. Is it a coincidence that back in 2022 Moderna planned to “start human trials for vaccines against 15 threatening viruses and other pathogens by 2025” as “part of a strategy to develop shots that could be made quickly in response to a future pandemic” and one of these viruses on which Moderna was working on happened to be the Marburg?

Moderna plans to start human trials for vaccines against 15 threatening viruses and other pathogens by 2025 part of a strategy to develop shots that could be made quickly in response to a future pandemic— Bloomberg (@business) March 8 2022Covid took place a few months before Event 201. They’ve talked about the Marburg virus and other viruses for almost a year now on and off. It doesn’t matter if the virus is lethal or not. What matters is how they respond to it and how much control they exercise over the populace while once again squeezing everything.

Time will once again tell what we will experience or not.—integrating-research-into-outbreaks–how-can-we-prepare-for-the-next-marburg-outbreak

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