After abortion and the dehumanisation of women now we have Ectolife: the world’s first artificial womb

We are witnessing how women are being dehumanised and who instead of being called “girls” “women” “females” and “mothers” they have been turned into “pregnant persons” “birthing people” “chest feeders” “menstruators” and a series of dehumanising terms.

Then we had the introduction of abortion and planned parenthood and now we have Ectolife: the world’s first artificial womb.

“It looks like a scene from The Matrix. Rows upon rows of babies are developing in the ‘world’s first artificial womb facility ’  which can supposedly incubate up to 30 000 lab-grown children per year.”

This is how the article of The Nation Thailand starts.

“EctoLife the ‘world’s first artificial womb facility ’ is currently just a concept that would allow parents to create customized children.” Hashem Al-Ghaili a producer filmmaker science communicator and molecular biologist by profession who lives in Berlin is the creator of the idea.

“It allows parents to ‘produce’ customized children using artificial wombs. People could select their baby’s intelligence level height eye color physical strength skin tone and other characteristics by purchasing a “Elite Package.”” Isn’t this eugenics?

“The concept of EctoLife is based on over fifty years of groundbreaking scientific research” by researchers globally says Al-Ghaili.”

“The facility – which would run on renewable energy -plans to house 75 labs each equipped with up to 400 growth pods or artificial wombs. These pods are designed to provide the same environment that is present inside a mother’s womb.”

“Parents can keep a track of their baby’s growth and development through a screen on the pods that showcase real-time data. This data can also be monitored via an app on the phone.”

“On his website ( Al-Ghaili says he uses his “background in science and technology to develop brand-new concepts”. He speaks of “imagining the future ” though some online have clearly mistaken his latest film as a real-life advert.”

In the promotional video we learn that artificial wombs may be able to help cancer patients who have had their uteruses removed that they may lessen pregnancy complications and that they may benefit nations like Japan Bulgaria and South Korea that are experiencing population decline.
Hashem claims that he thinks the technology is advanced enough to produce these facilities in as little as 10 years.

“Experts believe the technology is not that far-fetched and could become a reality in the future. Al-Ghaili believes that artificial womb facilities could become a reality in 10 years or so if ethical restrictions are removed.”

“Every single feature mentioned in the concept is 100 per cent science-based and has already been achieved by scientists and engineers” he said.

Hashem said that this technology is already available and it is only ethical constraints which are not making it a reality. He said that once ethical constraints are relaxed people can be willing to adopt the technology in the near future.”

“In terms of timeframe it really depends on the ethical guidelines. Right now research on human embryos is not allowed beyond 14 days. After 14 days embryos must be destroyed due to ethical concerns” the producer said.

“If these ethical restrictions are relaxed I give it 10 to 15 years before EctoLife becomes widely used everywhere”.

“Add to that five years of public awareness and education to help people become more receptive to the technology” Al-Ghaili added.

Since part of the Globalist Elites’ agenda through Covid-19 vaccinations and other methods like GMOs microplastics and fluoridated water is to create mass infertility around the world isn’t Ectolife assisting in accelerating the transhumanist agenda of creating artificial womb pods which is also promoted through the World Economic Forum and other NGOs under the guise of sustainability and health?

Clearly this company EctoLife is helping accelerate the transhumanist agenda by creating artificial womb pods which is promoted through the WEF and other NGO’s under the guise of sustainability and depopulation.

Isn’t this a creepy glimpse of pregnancy in the future?

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