The proposal of microchipping children by Israel’s Prime Minister was slammed as being dangerous and bypassing legality by cyber experts.

“Cyber experts slammed Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahufor his proposal to “microchip” children who return to schools and kindergartens”[1]when the coronavirus lockdown was lifted back in May 2022.

There is always a crony installed in every post so they make sure that such cronies are used as puppets and front-liners for their agenda.
While speaking at a press conference Netanyahu suggested the Health Ministry use new technology to help Israel adjust to its new routine as the state is lifting the coronavirus lockdown.

He said: “I spoke with our heads of technology in order to find measures Israel is good at such as sensors. For instance every person every kid – I want it on kids first – would have a sensor that would sound an alarm when you get too close like the ones on cars.”

But on realising that he had made a lapsus and that the slip of tongue has uncovered the agenda he clarified:
“That is technology that has not been used before and is allowed under the legislation we shall enact.”

But cyber resilience expert Einat Meron said that although she does get the theory behind it “it is fictional and dangerous” and“although such distance-sensitive microchips exist in vehicles it is different in humans.”

We aren’t bumping cars are we?
Meron added that “microchipping children will not pass any test – both practically and legally.”Many also feared that the state would make use of the information available from the sensors. And then we have some locals being proud of having a microchip installed under their skin….
Meron continued: “If the information with the kids’ location is uploaded to the internet a paedophile with some cyber knowledge may invade the system and stalk them outside their schools follow them and distribute the information on other platforms.Can the state take responsibility for that?”
The Prime Minister’s Office responded to the report stating that the Prime Minister’s suggestion “is not to be implemented through databases but through simple technology notifying [the citizens] about their distance. It is a voluntary option that is designed to help children keep their distance like Mobileye with vehicles ”adding that there would not be any violation of privacy.

But the Prime Minister’s Office forgot to make the link with the fact that according to Walla all vehicles in Israel were being tracked by police and stored in an unregulated database called Eagle Eye. According to a source cited by the media the information “could be kept for years.”So if the Israelite government is tracking down information on all vehicles in an unregulated database what is the possibility of having the same blasphemy done with children?

“The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) reportedly submitted a request under the Freedom of Information Act that police disclose the extent of the operations of Eagle Eye as well as the time the information on citizens’ movements is stored in the system” although the Israel Police replied that once all data is finalised hence without negating that this was being done the information won’t be disclosed to the public. So with whom will it be disclosed? With the police the army and the government?

And the cherry on the cake is that in March of the same year “Yediot Aharonot reported a classified Shin Bet(Israel Security Agency) database stored information on all Israeli citizens and most Palestinians from the West Bank. The data tracked by the security agency included movements phone calls and text messages.

And before we say “But in Malta these things don’t happen” do you ever wonder to which data protection act political parties adhere when they get your details so they can call you on the phone on election day to “encourage” you and “remind” you to “do your civil duty” and vote? Or better still what right does the government have to send letters or texts to cohorts in order to inform them that they are eligible to take the Covid-19 vaccine?


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