Considering what is brewing abroad can Dr Fearne clarify why is the local vaccine certificate still being declared as valid?

As early as June 2021 Thales has put up a video on you tube affirming that governments want to offer a digital ID to the public since this digitalisation of public services has been boosted by Covid. The reason being put forth is that it will reduce fraud and protect the public’s rights.

Thus Thales is working to build a government Digital ID platform and taking surveillance to the next platform.

According to the company:

“A major new survey by Thales shows that two out of three Europeans citizens are looking forward to the arrival of an  EU-backed Digital ID Wallet for storing their ID card driving licence and other official documents and signed attestations on a smartphone.”[1]

And lo and behold the German health minister Karl Lauterbach has announced and revealed a new update for the Corona warning app -that of having different colour codes to give different rights in the future [2]a system which I have reported as being already present in communist China.

Since Covid restrictions and mask-wearing are back in Germany as of this month and in order to defend the new Infection Protection Act he affirmed:
“If vaccines that protect against infection are available in the fall they should also be of benefit to those who have been vaccinated. You can not do without a mask in the interior in the fall. An exception would be justifiable for those who have just been vaccinated.” So in order for people not to take advantage of this exception he said “We would change the rule and close the exception.”

Cronies are first put in place then the rules are changed.

His tweet dated 9th August states:

“The fact that ‘freshly vaccinated’ cannot be checked is also wrong on the CWA a different color of the certificate is provided. Easier than earlier 2G+ e.g. Next argument: People then want vaccination every 3 months. Also outlandish. No doctor does that no one wants that.”

It has nothing to do with updating your vaccination or antibodies. It is about updating you with their operating system:

This Covid vaccine certificate or app or QR code or whatever you want to call it seems to be here to stay. According to a leaked law published by the French media Atlantico which has also been confirmed by the French Health Ministry shows that “the country is planning to set up a border scheme through which travellers over the age of 12 reaching the territory of France Corsica and overseas territories would have to show proof they are immune [sic] to COVID-19.”

“The same document also foresees the extension of the SI-DEP computer files results of screening tests and Contact Covid (infected people and contact cases) until March 31st next year.”

According to the Ministry of Health the preliminary draft bill“will be the subject of discussions before its presentation to the Council of Ministers with the political forces.” [3]

In a June publication of the Montreal Gazette it is reported that “Covid-19 vaccine passports could be reintroduced this autumn feds say.”[4]

It reported that Canadian federal health minister Jean-Yves Duclos announced that “the federal government is ready to reinstate COVID-19vaccine mandates this autumn should the epidemiological situation deteriorate”and “this time the mandatory minimum number of inoculations could be three or even four doses.”

During a press conference Duclos told reporters that “the keyword today is ‘transition’ and that vaccine passports would no longer be required for travellers and federal employees. What is this ‘transition’ about? It is about discarding the concept of being “fully vaccinated” and replacing it with “up-to-date” vaccination status.

“Two doses are no longer sufficient to protect against infections and transmission and that’s why we’re making a transition to an up-to-date definition of vaccination ”he said. “An up-to-date vaccination status for the vast majority of Quebecers is a three-dose vaccination. For some Quebecers it’s four doses.”

On the 6th of October Newsbook informed the Maltese nation that the Covid-19 vaccine certificate is not going to change for those who do not take the latest Omicron-specific vaccine.

“Il-Ministru għas-Saħħa spjega li mhux se jkun hemm tibdil fiċ-ċertifikat tat-tilqim tal-Covid-19 kemm jekk wieħed jilqa’ l-istedina u jmur jieħu t-tilqima u anke jekk wieħed ma jagħmilx it-tilqima.”

Why? Is there still a need for it? If yes what is its need? Can Fearne clarify?

In the meantime a recent email I received had the following QR codes on the bottom right-hand corner:

What is the need considering that they are not needed yet to have access to the internet and emails?

Can someone enlighten us as to what is going on and what is ahead?


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