PN promises the way forward of the Globalists

The PN is just another laughing matter party, and a crying one for Malta and its genuine but pitiful nation.

To commemorate Malta’s 60th year since independence, the PN will carry out celebrations in Tritons Square which were kicked off yesterday. Iċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-PN bħas-saqajn tal-PN – ikaxkru fit-tul.

“PN general secretary Michael Piccinino said the party wants to chart a path forward for the years ahead.”

“The activities are themed ’il quddiem – ‘forward’.”

“Our country needs a different political direction.  We want a country that takes care of everyone” PN’s secretary Piccinino said.

Hahahaha. If you still believe what the PN says and promises, raise your hand. Now slap yourself with it. A party that never took care of the middle class, the class which is always in the middle of the continuous attack from politicians.

The way forward? Sure. It will be the way forward of the Globalists. This party, which is dead and lacking ideas, is also a big fat liar. It never tells the nation that it was the PN which baked the whole cake so that we have the Malta we have today. The PL just covered it with the icing.

The PN never tells the nation that politicians have to be a little corrupt when in power.

The PN never tells the nation that when it is in power, it will tag along the Globalists’ agendas. It will be servile to the EU and the UN and there is nothing better that it will provide to the Maltese nation.

I remind you that this party not only tagged along with the pandemic, but it came out criticising the government that it did not do enough with restrictions, mandates, and the way it handled the pandemic. I remind you that Grech wanted more police control. I remind the readers that Grech, like Abela, makes U-turns more than a race car on reverse! An example is when he softened his tone on foreign workers, tagging along the ‘racism’ false argument. This is so because the PN favours the UN migration pact. The UN is servile of the UN in opposition, let alone if it is in government. Please read here. The PN has all its fingers dipped in the multicultural agenda. Please read here.

And here’s another proof that the PN will tag along with the Globalists’ Agendas if in power:

This party does not have the balls to stand up for Malta and come up with a strategy that fights and objects to all the orders that Malta gets from the EU and the UN – without forgetting that Gonzi is still behind the scenes, Queen Metsola wears the starred blue dress, and PN MEP David Casa screwed Malta with the social climate fund.

I hope that the anonymous person who sent me a long email on the day of MEP elections, accusing me that I am trying to create a political vacuum, while trying to remind me of the good deeds that both PN and PL have done, is reading this. Because this is what you are advocating for.

My aim is one: the liberation of humanity from these tyrants who are betraying the Maltese people. I refuse to go along the grain. It is not who I am and what I represent.

If anyone out there still thinks that the PN is the right choice, then you are part of the problem because your vote will be one for the Globalists’ Agendas. The same applies for those voting Red.

If you still believe what the PN says and promises, raise your hand. Now slap yourself with it.

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