Minister Chris Bonett suggests a taxation plan to consolidate Malta into parameters of 15-minute cities – communism par excellence!

Politicians are not cut from finer cloth than the rest of humanity. Instead, they are worse. They are ready to obey orders for money, prestige, or advancement.

Minister of Infrastructure Chris Bonett is one of those types of politicians. While being interviewed by Mark Laurence Zammit of The Times, Bonett is on record stating:

“Wasal iż-żmien li nieħdu wkoll deċiżjonijiet iebsin. Per eżempju, li jkollok liċenzji tal-karozza, number plates, illi jekk tużahom f’ċerti ħinijiet inti tħallas skont id-distanza li tokkupa jew skont, naf li diġa’ qiegħda simili hekk, imma forsi nagħfsuha daqsxejn iktar, skont x’tip ta’ emissjonijiet inti tħalli warajk.”

[The time has come to take difficult decisions. For example, having car licenses, number plates, that if used in certain times, you have to pay according to the distance that you occupy or, I know that it’s already something like that, but which we might have to strengthen, according to the type of emissions that you leave behind.]

Excuse me? Did he fall and bump his head with something? Is he suffering from hallucinations procured by a head injury? What the deuce is this yet another tyrannical, communist measure?

You better buckle up, buttercups. This is what awaits you in the new communist world of the one world order under the one world government.

Minister Bonett, why don’t you sod off and come up with a solution that is not shouldered on the people?

Problem-reaction-solution: Problem: Sign United Nations treaties so to fill Malta with migrants. Reaction: Malta is becoming a deadlock with cars. Solution: tax the people.

Problem-reaction-solution: Problem: Push the women out so that they are funnelled in the economy’s strainer which they must milk. Reaction: Women need to have a car to travel to work. Solution: tax the people.

Problem-reaction-solution: Agree with climate change agendas and the CO2 haux. Reaction: All car licenses are to cost according to emissions. Solution: Tax the people to pay according to emissions.

Do you know what this is all about, buttercups? It’s not only another taxation. But it’s about keeping you constrained in a 15-minute parameter. This is about restricting your freedom. Please read here and here. It’s about putting you in a cage, buttercup.

Let’s talk matters straight. Malta is already one big city, thanks to the traitors in parliament especially thanks to the one who sits on a throne of bones and stones in Burmarrad, who is on record stating that he wants to make Malta metropolitan. Let us not forget that we were endowed with an island and an island life, not a city. But this is not according to the traitor in Burmarrad who sits on a throne of gold after using sticks and stones to break our bones. Joseph Muscat has sickened the Maltese nation, turning it from a Chistian populace into a pagan, Jewish nation, carrying the bible money in its pocket.

Now, the government wants to introduce more communistic measures and as usual, only the class in the middle will suffer. Shame on you!

Let us not forget that a ten-minute drive in Malta takes you a minimum of 45 minutes thanks to all the compliant traitors in parliament. But now, the Labour Socialist/Communist Government wants to reduce your freedom by making you stay in a fifteen-minute parameter. If you want to feel freer and dare move out of this parameter, you have to pay, buttercup.

I am already in this parameter. I attend a gym which is a five minute walk from home. I work in a place which is twenty minutes of walking distance away from home. I do errands in places which are the closest to my town. I already pay a very expensive license which is much more expensive than the insurance because of the CO2 scam. How do you think is my mental well-being faring?

And now, Minister Bonett is willing to keep on trimming the edges of a freedom which is already non-existent in this little island. Why don’t you bug off and get a life!?

Yes, the time has come for politicians to take difficult decisions, Minister Bonett. What about sending back all the illegal and legal migrants [TCN] who both political parties have overwhelmed Malta with, through the signing of treaties?

Yes, the time has come for politicians to take difficult decisions, Minister Bonett. What about sending back all the illegal and legal migrants [TCN] and with them, the 48,000 licenses that were given out in the last six years to them?

Where are the rights of the Maltese people, Minister Bonett? Aren’t you breaking the freedom of movement engraved in the Constitution?

You better buckle up, buttercups. For those who still do not see the underlying motive of 15-minute-cities, just observe what is being installed first. It is not about new parks, leisure centres, better transport and up-to-date amenities. It’s family enclosed green spaces, cameras and various types of restrictive technology. It’s just a benign urban planning concept.

You better buckle up, buttercups. You are being constrained to live in one big city, and now, you will be constrained to live in a 15-minute parameter. You will be constrained to give up your car and use public transport.

You better buckle up, buttercups. You are being constrained to live in a smart grid.

You better buckle up, buttercups or else, it is time to bust out the whip!

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