Feminist Francesca Fenech Conti asked me “What defines a woman?” I said: “Not you.”

Feminist Francesca Fenech Conti, founder of Women For Women Foundation [yet another screwing agendas’ foundation], is all for having a lesbian couple, two wives, two women, two mothers raising a child – using a man’s sperm of course.

And she is part of the plastic foetuses brigade – the killing spree of aborted babies. The agents and advocates for child sacrifices to Moloch. In other words, Fenech Conti is part of a set-up system for native European populations to become slowly outbred. Please read here.

Feminists come with a sinister agenda. Anytime you have a front for an ulterior agenda, the readers are to beware.

Feminism is just a hypocritical degenerate of the Communist degenerates. And they are just hypocrites. While feminists claim that they are all for advocating women’s rights, they are silent about the true matters in which women’s rights are truly being stepped upon. Please read here and here.

The more feminism runs wild, the more we have of the manosphere, which is a counterpart and a reaction to the same feminism. This is the whole feminist/manosphere ideological war, turning men and women against each other. What is manosphere? It encapsules websites and internet discussion groups that are concerned with men’s interests and rights as opposed to women’s, often connected with opposition to feminism or dislike of women. Some parts of the manosphere have been described as promoting a misogynistic worldview. The divide and conquer always works in the polarities.

There are some things men do better than women and vice versa and we should be fine with it. It is the beauty of variety and differences in the world. But this is a world which focuses on differences, instead of what unites us.

Feminists just teach women to hate men. “Do you need a man?” would be the question. The answer to it would be “No, because I’m a strong, independent woman.” This is the fallacy with which feminism is indoctrinating and brainwashing girls these days.

The irony about the feminist movement is that they’re the ones who think women are inferior and incapable who need Big Daddy Government to take care of them.

The feminists, in cahoots with Big Daddy Government, know that if they weaken and destroy the male status of the nation, there’s nobody fighting and defending the nation and that society. Otherwise, how can the LGBTIAQ-P+ ideology, forced vaccination, political correctness, clown politicians and so forth be imposed on us? Try to tell a man to stand up for you these days. The answer you get is: “You women wanted equal rights, so now it is what you get.” This is one of the results of the equality nonsense of the feminists.

Men got fed up with being targeted, oppressed, and attacked and having their world decimated by women and their system. So now men are just allowing women to enjoy what they voted for. This is the demon that the feminism/manosphere ideological war has given birth to. Communism and the Communist degenerates turned women against men and men against women.

To be honest, feminism is beyond cure and an artificial womb will get the job done to recreate our race. Or an IVF. Or a lesbian couple who can do without a man and raise a child, through a sperm of a man. But this is what feminist for feminism Francesca Fenech Conti calls “‘Raising awareness’ in a ridiculous country where embryos have more protection and more rights than women” – said the feminist who is destroying more women’s lives by the feminism and agendas she is pushing. X’ipokrita’ li qatt ma rajt bħalha ħanina dinja!

But of course. Conti is not only in favour of killing babies, but she is in favour of eugenics, and hence why she is fully supporting the decision of the lesbian couple to carry out an IVF in Spain, where they could have their embryos screened for genetic abnormalities prior to implantation [promoted by Lovin Malta of the Conservative PN]. While we continue killing babies, we also pick and choose the embryo and discard the rest. Conti is in favour of having women playing god with nature through a dead science doing a poor simulacrum of what humanity is because God is dead and we have killed Him while we are carrying the blood on our hands. Who will wipe this blood off our hands? Society is in the dismal state it’s in because God and morality no longer have a place in it. Abominations are the result. Feminist Francesca Fenech Conti supports this, and this is what she is truly advocating for. Women, open your eyes and ears!

I remind the readers that the propaganda was targeted at women, especially women who need security. Adolf Hitler stated that women desire security and serenity by nature. He claimed that as women are the target of all propaganda, they will always demand food, security, and other things, which will lead to the Big Brother overthrowing the husband and rendering him useless. Men find it difficult to try to get active out of fear of anger in the family, whereas women usually go along with it.

Another reason why women were attacked is because one fine day, the Globalists, who only care about the efficiency of the economy, decided that feminine space is nonprofitable, and thus, worthless to the capitalist and communist mind. Both capitalism and communism are the embodiment of the same evil philosophy. They only disagree on the method of resources’ distribution. So, move the women in a way to get them to work. In so doing, they destroyed the female spaces via women’s liberation and women’s rights movement and forced them to overtake or stay in male spaces, causing, in the process, many issues.

Because men cannot play God! And what is natural is to be respected! But this is not how it works for the economically expedient route in this formless mess where everything is a mess and everyone has become an amorphous blob.

Remember, this is a war on the entire planet, and the goal of this battle is to destroy all that has existed in order to create room for the new. This includes your entire society, way of life, and even the family unit. You cannot keep your head down because they will still come for you. The family as you know it must be completely destroyed, and they have been working on that for a very long time—far before this. Now that they’re going for it all, you cannot stop them.

And the feminists are part of all this. Feminists are just a cog in the machine.

Feminism endorses the self-hating psychology of the Left.

Hence why it is imperative, dear men and women, that we all—men and women alike—understand how this game is played and that you can no longer afford to keep your head down. Our whole world is going to change while they head us to the sheep pen so there’s no point in keeping your head down. Rise above feminism and the manosphere.

Feminist Francesca Fenech Conti asked me: “What defines a woman?” I said: “Not you.”

Once ‘pro-life’, now ‘pro-death.’ Death of embryos, foetuses, and babies. Death of femininity. Death of womanhood. Death of masculinity. Death of manhood. Death of the family unit. Death of God. Death of the whole fabric of society.
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