Euronews confirms the depopulation agenda, but it blames superbugs

According to Euronews, “antimicrobial resistance is already killing millions around the globe.” But it’s not and it’s never the deadly and experimental Covid-19 vaccines.

But, Euronews adds an interesting detail: “deaths could surge by 68 per cent between 2021 and 2050, according to a major new study.” This is the depopulation agenda stirring in your face

According to a landmark new study published in The Lancet journal, that comes days before global leaders are yet again convening in New York to sign off on a pledge to combat the growing public health threat – clever timing isn’t it? – “more than 39 million people worldwide could die from antibiotic-resistant infections over the next 25 years, and another 130 million could die of related causes.”

Yet again, there is no mention of the deadly and experimental Covid-19 vaccines.

“Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) – when bacteria or other pathogens evolve to the point where antibiotics are no longer effective against them – happens when people overuse antibiotics in medicine and animal and crop farming.” We are being poisoned from all angles.

According to this study, “these so-called superbugs make infections harder to treat as doctors scramble for alternatives, and have directly killed about a million people every year since 1990.” Any mention of past vaccines?

Definitely, dear readers, here we have the depopulation agenda stirring you in the face, but it’s just painted with different colours. The brush is the same.

For the sake of critical thinking, let us agree with this study and blame these antimicrobial resistant superbugs. What is making the body resistant to them? The study blames the overuse of antibiotics and animal and crop farming. The antibiotics agenda has long been rolled out locally – whereby doctors were ordered to stop their prescription unless the patients really need them. Post Covid-19, some medicine, including antibiotics, became out of stock. I had tackled this two years ago:

In the above cited piece of mine, you will be reminded antibiotics are being removed from the market so that the focus is on vaccines. It was back in 2021 when Eli Lilly CEO David Ricks had already stated that “an antibiotic pipeline is on the verge of collapse.” Let us remind ourselves that following the completion of a $500 million product sale to Novartis’ Sandoz GlaxoSmithKline the British Pharmaceutical company has halted the production of antibiotics in the United Kingdom. This has led GSK to close some sites and downsize others resulting in the loss of jobs too. It also happened that GSK is backing away from older antibiotics so that it focuses on vaccines and specialty drugs.

Everything is fitting in exactly in this planned depopulation agenda. Notice the usual problem-reaction-solution modus operandi here. While they are working on an antibiotic collapse, those who would need them, including the Covid-19 vaccines vaccinated, won’t be able to take them. The solution would be either dying or taking another vaccine.

Everything is fitting in exactly in this planned depopulation agenda. Notice the usual problem-reaction solution modus operandi here. While they are working on an antibiotic collapse, the Covid-19 vaccinated have had their immune system destroyed. When the immune system goes bonkers, anything can affect the body, even a superbug. The solution would be either dying or taking another vaccine.

Whatever it is, Euronews has confirmed to you the depopulation agenda, and in order for you not to be able to make any medical choices for your wellbeing, in a system which already deprives you of choices with Big Government taking the decisions for you, global leaders are convening in New York to sign off on a pledge to combat the growing public health threat.

Clever timing, isn’t it?

A clever and scheming agenda, isn’t it?

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