Newsbook fails to report other reasons as to why there is a lack of antibiotics in pharmacies.

Newsbook has reported that several pharmacies around Malta are experiencing a shortage of antibiotics which are used among others in the care of children. According to some pharmacists this is because the supply has not reached Malta yet and there is shortage in other countries as well.

This is causing pharmacists to stamp the doctor’s prescription and sign that the medicines are not available in the community so that as soon as parents guardians or carers have three stamps from different pharmacies they can go to Mater Dei’s pharmacy to buy the medicine.

So apart from making you do the merry-go-round when you do not find an empty or functional BCRS machine or a shop which accepts your refund coupons communism is now having you make the merry-go-round around pharmacies to buy medicine while having a child sick at home and once communism does not make you find what you need you would need to head to Mater Dei pharmacy between 8:00am and 14:15 as per the same dispensary opening hours. If you cannot go because you are obviously a slave to the regime of an employment you either need to take leave or else find a kind soul who can go for you.

Pharmacists said that they do not know exactly when the supply is expected to arrive at this time when a number of children are affected by various diseases that require treatment with antibiotics like Augmentin and Zithromax. Have the children who are mostly being affected been vaccinated with the Covid-19 and/or flu vaccines by any chance? Apart from these being lethal many scientists and doctors have warned that too many shots will cause an immune system fatigue compromising the body’s ability to fight any symptom which will lead to the crash of the same immune system!
Other European countries are also experiencing a shortage of antibiotics and according to Newsbook it is being reported that this is happening due to a greater demand at this time of winter (especially after two years of continuous vaccinations) and due to problems in the supply of medicines from one country to another.

We must not forget that we had a lot of lockdowns too which affected the supply chains via disruptions in the antibiotic supply chain from China from where Covid-19 “coincidentally” emerged which has “coincidentally” taken the West unprepared when it comes to developing and producing antibiotics.

What Newsbook is not telling you is that back in 2021 Eli Lilly CEO David Ricks had already stated that “an antibiotic pipeline is on the verge of collapse.”

And it failed to tell you that following the completion of a $500 million product sale to Novartis’ Sandoz GlaxoSmithKline the British Pharmaceutical company has halted the production of antibiotics in the United Kingdom. This has led GSK to close some sites and downsize others resulting in the loss of jobs too.

It also happened that GSK is backing away from older antibiotics so that it focuses on vaccines and specialty drugs.

GSK which I remind you was also mentioned in the Ursula von der Leyen’s and her corruption scandal blog happened to be “a member of an antibiotic-focused pharma consortium called the AMR Action Fund which was launched in 2020 (coincidentally with the beginning of Covid-19) with $1 billion in funding.  And it happened that other members along GSK one finds Novartis  Pfizer Johnson & Johnson and Merck.

By providing financial support and technical guidance to emerging biotechs the fund hopes to bring two to four new antibiotics to market by 2030.
Finally do you remember when we were told long ago by doctors and pharmacists that we won’t be prescribed antibiotics anymore and the reason given was that they were being misused by doctors by prescribing them often? So could it be that in reality GSK and other pharmaceuticals have halted the production of antibiotics at this time when we were being told this so that they concentrate on vaccine research?

This would mean that stakeholders and shareholders were informed accordingly to get their ducks in a row long ago and not two years ago so that we have this antibiotics’ shortage right now.

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