When the government, the media and academia collude together to tell you that AI will replace you

July 15, 2024: Lovin Malta reports: “Watch: Robert Abela Wants AI To Substitute ‘Many Workers Malta Can Do Without.’” The headline is misleading and twisting of facts. In a state of utopia where the media, neutrality and the truth walk hand in hand, this headline would read ‘The globalists’ agenda is for AI to replace many jobs. Robert Abela and his government obey.’

The warning of Prime Minister Robert Abela, that jobs of several works could soon be automated is a fact and is the truth. Abela did not clarify which jobs and Tim Diacono, the writer of the above article, failed to do some research. This site already touched on this. The current robots on the market are industrial and medical robots, robots for logistics, agriculture and construction, robots for research education, entertainment and accompaniment, patrols and inspections, education and care for the elderly to service in a hotel, business centers, participation in advertising and promotion, mass promotions and entertainment shows. There might be more of course.

How does the government put this out to you? This is another investment so that the economic niches do not burden the infrastructure – “economic niches where the use of AI and robotics can substitute many, many workers that the country can do without.” You are no longer needed.

Here comes the academia in collusion with the government to tell you, through Times of Malta and the mouthpiece of Alexiei Dingli, professor of Artificial Intelligence, that “integrating AI to substitute excess workers is not an option but the only way forward.” He backed Prime Minister Robert Abela’s statement “assertion that Artifical Intelligence is the solution to replace excess workers”. They sell you yet another lie – they will replace even Maltese workers, but they lie to you so that you accept the take over of AI in the work industry.

Please note that Professor Dingli “have been conducting research and working in the field of AI for more than two decades, assisting different companies to implement AI solutions”. His “work has been rated World Class by international experts” and he “won various local and international awards (such as those by the European Space Agency, the World Intellectual Property Organization and the United Nations to name a few).” Do we need to add more? It says it all no? Proof that he is in collusion with the government is his statement on his website: “I have published several peer-reviewed publications and I formed part of the Malta.AI task-force which was setup by the Maltese government, aimed at making Malta one of the top AI countries in the world.

Dingli wrote propaganda. You only need to skim through his biased article to puke and feel that Dingli wrote this article as he was on automation. In collusion with the government and with the globalists’ agenda, Dingli cites the World Economic Forum, mentions “green technology” [even technology now was painted with the colour green], “sustainability,” “working smarter,” and advocating for a “radical overhaul” in the education system to “prepare the next generation for the jobs of tomorrow, for an “AI-driven economy.” Yes. Let’s turn the current hijacked local education system into an AI hub through funded school programmes with the goal to turn students into uncritical thinking bots and ideal moulded candidates and graduates for an AI-driven economy. Yes, let’s mould students according to the economy’s and globalists’ shapes and form, instead of letting them roam in their dreams, creativity and critical thinking. Democracy anyone? Freedom of choice anyone? It does not exist!

Trust the experts, you see!

“The notion of substituting human labour with AI might initially appear contentious. Yet, upon closer examination, it emerges as a necessary transition to sustain and advance Malta’s economic and social fabric.”

“At the heart of this proposition lies the pressing need for Malta to rethink its economic strategy. The island’s impressive economic growth over the past decade, averaging an annual GDP increase of 6.1%, has been driven mainly by an influx of foreign workers filling essential roles in various sectors, from construction to iGaming.”

“However, this model has reached its limits. The strain on infrastructure, skyrocketing housing prices and overburdened public services are clear indicators that Malta cannot continue to expand merely by adding more people.”

“Such a vision taps into a broader global trend where countries turn to technology to drive productivity and economic growth. By 2027, the World Economic Forum predicts that 42% of work tasks globally will be automated. For Malta, embracing AI isn’t just an option; it’s a must.”

Of course! Klaus Schwab is on record stating that they will DESTROY a lot of employment.

Dingli then does the bidding of Joseph Muscat’s ‘prophecy’: “Establishing a Green Tech Innovation Centre and offering grants for green startups could position Malta at the forefront of this rapidly growing market, creating high-value jobs and significant export potential.” Such shiny and fuzzy language to sell you another evil agenda, which is a reminder of what Dr Muscat said in the rally of Alex Agius Saliba that the Labour government wants to continue to modernize this country by turning it into a laboratory of new technologies.  And so, another critical observation of this site turned true:

Can you see how the government, the media and academia collude together to sell you agendas? The media has been preparing you gradually for this. Google their past articles. Do you recognise and understand how this system of lies and global globalists’ agendas function?

What is the problem? The problem is that our country has been on purpose flooded with foreign workers. For the economy, they said. To pay your pension, they said.

What is the reaction? The reaction created is that of “strain on infrastructure, skyrocketing housing prices and overburdened public services”.

What is the solution? The solution they give you is that for the sake of economic growth, you will be replaced by AI and you have to accept the solution they offer, of course.

How do they attract you to this solution? The Pied Piper of Malta’s AI hub, plays his flute to draw you to AI until you drown, to tell you that current foreign workers will be replaced by better skilled foreign workers. You will have ‘work-life balance’ which won’t mean you will work less hours of course but you will be turned from a producer to a smart producer living in a smart country in a smart world. In return, you will have “flexible work arrangements,” “enjoy rest and leisure” so that you are “investing in mental health support” – investing, you see! It is like you are doing some sort of business. Mental health has become a business now, a trade. They are trading with you these lies so that you accept AI. In turn, AI, will create “a happier, more productive workforce”. A fairytale, you might say. Coated with bullshit and more bullshit and deep bullshit and deeper bullshit and lies, lies, utmost lies! They are telling you that from a current slave you will be turned into a more productive artificial producing producer slave for the new economic growth in a new AI era of a consuming-producing society in which you will be happier.

This is going to ruin the world. Mankind is already depending too much on AI. Let alone if more power is given to AI where it will be a humanoid robotic emotionless world with a depopulated world maintained to a certain allocated amount with injections, injunctions and diets while humans live with humanoids in a miserable smart world of AI and technology where they will own nothing, but be happy and happier.

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