Robert Abela and the possible return of Rosianne Cutajar: Will all the pigs in the Labour government apologise to the Maltese nation?

“An apology from Rosianne Cutajar is needed before her return to the Labour Party can be considered, Prime Minister Robert Abela said on Wednesday.”

‘She has to be willing to apologise for what happened,’ Abela said.

‘I believe that when a person expresses genuine regret and gives a geniune apology, they should be given a second chance,’ he added. 

Rosianne Cutajar was forced to resign from the PL parliamentary group in April 2023 after chats between her and Yorgen Fenech were published.

‘We already discussed Rosianne Cutajar’s future in the parliamentary group, and that discussion will continue in a joint meeting between the parliamentary group and the party’s executive (committee).’ 

This will take place at the appropriate time and a ‘collective’ decision will be taken.

But before she can be welcomed back into the fold, she should extend an apology, Abela said.   

Asked if the apology was a condition for her to be reintegrated within the parliamentary group, Abela said:  ‘I understand that without an apology, no real interest in reintegration is being shown. So I believe an apology should be given.'”

The patriarchy and its treatment of women for the sake of “empowerment.” Was there any other male politician who was asked to give an apology so far? Because it is fine for a male politician and his appointed bureaucrats to be involved in a ħnizrija which is far from clean – but they can stay in the party, or keep their job, or are transferred to another out-of-the blue top position with a high salary in an out-of-the blue institution without even giving an apology, to the Maltese nation, that is. We have female political hands “jitħanżru” too, you know, but this is fine for Abela. Definitely Abela uses different rulers in the way he measures those around him in the party.

Do you know who deserves an apology, dear Prime Minister? All the honest Maltese citizens who are being robbed daily with these wages they have which suck; all the honest Maltese citizens who are being robbed daily with taxes; and all the honest Maltese citizens who are being robbed on a daily basis by your government while the pigs in your same government and the rest of the gang “jitħanżru” while they get huge contracts with huge salaries by government institutions; or when the elites in your Big Government make business with Big Business while they drown in pools of money and launder it. Any apology from those?

Doesn’t the Maltese nation deserve an apology for having a government which has been turned into a mafia organisation but which sells itself to the same nation as a workers’ rights one?

Any public apology from Mark Camilleri and Jason Azzopardi? No. The apology is only requested from Rosianne Cutajar, because there is also Yorgen Fenech involved, and Fenech is the individual who was decided by the State to be the mastermind of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder, and obviously, their Highnesses the Galizias must always be protected, even by the same State from which the Galizias are asking for millions [i.e. your and my taxpaying money] for the murder of their mother and wife.

But you might counter argue that Camilleri and Azzopardi are not part of the Labour party so Abela has no control over them. Fine. But when it came to Dr Fearne, the Labour parliamentary group came out defending him, while Abela was frantically shouting Fearne’s name in his defense while spluttering drops of mini saliva droplets all over the microphone during the Sunday’s political puppet shows. We might never have any interesting chats of Dr Fearne, but we did have corrupt bureaucratic deals surrounding him, without forgetting that he sold a deadly and experimental vaccine, without forgetting that this same vaccine was imported by a company whose secretary happened to be Peter Caruana Galizia with the involvement of one of his sons. Ever wonder why Matthew Caruana Galizia did not want to help people in distress, including myself, who or whose loved ones were being killed by the deadly Covid-19 protocol, endorsed by Dr Fearne? Please read here.

But Fearne is a hero because he has given voluntarily his resignation. L-irġulija hekk titlob hux fir-realta’ surreali li jgħidulha politika? If he had to return to the Labour party, he would be met with open arms of honour and glory. But when it comes to Rosianne Cutajar, she was first asked to resign and now the Parliamentary group is giving her the “pleasure” of discussing her return but by striking a deal – she has to apologise. U tgħid mhux hekk! Niġri b’saqajja ma’ dahri niġi lura kieku! Rosianne Cutajar is no stepney but it is up to her at the end of the day to decide the way forward.

Governments are excessively lax in their punishments, and often push the victims rather than the perpetrators. Abela is one with the perpetrators in this saga: Camilleri and Azzopardi. Abela is one with a PN/PL apparatchik and a member of the PN establishment who happened to be a privileged lawyer who broke the law in giving out these chats on which there was a ban.

If I were Rosianne Cutajar, I would tell the patriarchy where I would shove the apology up somewhere, not out of pride because only the weak do not apologise but in this whole weaved case, a silent woman’s mouth with closed lips is more golden than gold.

If I were Rosianne Cutajar, I would work behind the scenes of the patriarchy because I would have the keys in my hands knowing who are all those pigs who have their hands in the “piggy banks.” And I would rage a war, whatever the risk I might take, for the sake of the honest, working, citizens who are being abused by the rest of the pigs. And from “la kulħadd jitħanżer, mela nieħu paga oħra” the Maltese honest citizens will get “dawn huma l-kulħadd li jitħanżru u jitfewqu f’wiċċ il-ħaddiema mill-gvern tal-ħaddiema.”

Rosianne Cutajar has the keys in and out of the political arena to fight the propaganda that is being woven against women, especially considering the fact that she was carrying a child in her womb when all the attacks were thrown at her. With some wisdom, she can creep in wisely and fight courageously in the ring.

Rosianne Cutajar has the keys to destabilize the patriarchy while putting out in the open the names and the bloody corruption whose knives the hands carry of all those two balls walking on two sticks who are also a disgrace for the true manhood and the true men out there.

The time has come for the true women and the true men to rise because both men and women were beautifully created to share this world together and all is needed is for both to reshape their own perception of how they view themselves and each other. Because I am sick and tired of this harmful propaganda weaved through these last twenty years or so, where we have to hear from the patriarchy and its female products what a woman is and what she should be and what she should do from hard-tripping men and hard-tripping women of detachment.

The time has come for the creative woman, the creative man, the supportive woman, the supportive man, the relational woman, the relational man, the loving woman, the loving man, the spiritual woman, the spiritual man to rise, with Christ in their centre while an orchestra of angels play celestial music in their hearts.

What Robert Abela is asking and doing is wrong but fits exactly the agenda of detachment in publicity by the patriarchy.

Rosianne Cutajar, you have the right to refuse because your future might be elsewhere. But you have the right to decide what you deem best for you.

But you have a voice. Use it and do not be silent.

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