A reason why the PN is silent about various matters and is another left-green-liberal party is because Lawrence Gonzi works behind the scenes giving advice to Robert Abela!

There is a lot for which the PN must answer for when it comes to its silence and when it tags along the agendas but then it plays the part of the opposition that is criticising and serving as watchman to the government. It does not. It is not. It is just one with and the same as the government. It is another left-green-liberal party. It is just a strategy of division for the masses to remain trapped in the paradigm.

I have been stating that they have become two birds of the same feathers and wings. At this point we can even say the same bird.

This site has analyzed how the PN has all its fingers dipped in the multiculturalism agenda. Please read here.

This site has published the news that Dr. Lawrence Gonzi signed the open letter to encourage governments to accept the diabolical WHO pandemic treaty. Please read here.

Do you know why he was the one to sign this open letter? Lawrence Gonzi has been a member of the Global Leadership Foundation since 2016. He still is. You can verify here.

The Global Leadership Foundation is yet another screwing not-for-profit foundation, and “is independent of any government or corporate interest” with the stated mission of “a desire to give something back to the world.” In the surreal reality of politics, perhaps. In our dreams, perhaps. Even the World Economic Forum claims that its mission is to the improve the state of the world. Speaking of the WEF, it is based in Cologny, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland. One of the headquarters of the United Nations also happened to be in Geneva, Switzerland. Going back to the WEF, we know that its annual meeting at the end of January occurs in Davos, Switzerland. By pure coincidence, the Global Leadership Foundation of which Gonzi is a member happened to be registered in Switzerland.

These members are all former Presidents, Prime Ministers, senior government ministers and other distinguished puppets who are taken a higher step in the political show to become junior puppeteers “drawn together by a desire to give back something to the world.” Ma neħilsu minnhom qatt! When will we get rid of them all, feeding on humanity’s blood like ticks and leeches, passing on diseases?

This network is quite similar to the WEF whose meetings bring together some 3,000 paying members and selected participants – among whom are investors, business leaders, political leaders, and economists.

The Global Leadership Foundation must be in cahoots with the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. This must be how the agenda is watered down, perhaps.

What does the GLF do? “The Global Leadership Foundation exists to make available, discreetly and in confidence, the experience of former leaders to today’s national leaders.” Because it’s all happening backdoor, behind your back. Whatever information they pass on and whatever ‘advice’ they pass on, that is. That is why all is discreet and in confidence.

Do you know what these members do, through their network, as per the foundation’s website?

“Working in small teams, in their personal capacity, members offer private and confidential advice to Heads of Government.”

“Members contribute as private individuals, motivated by a desire to help current leaders tackle challenges similar to those they once faced.” How kind and generous. Absolutely wonderful, but this is politically impossible. So is everything else but…

“Avoiding the spotlight, members typically work in small teams to give private and objective advice on specific issues of concern to Heads of State or Government.”

In their double speak, this means that former leaders direct current leaders from behind the scenes to the ways in which agendas must be executed and brought to fruition. Just like encouraging them to accept the WHO’s diabolical pandemic treaty.

This means that Robert Abela is being directed by Lawrence Gonzi.

Both political parties have turned into two prostitutes sleeping in the same bed together screwing the whole nation.

Shouldn’t leaders be capable of leading and making their own decisions without interference? Shouldn’t they be allowed to do so? No. They are puppets and I have been stating this for so long. It is not rocket science. You just have to listen to all political leaders speaking the same words, and pushing for the same things.

I will tackle this foundation separately in the near future. There is so much to analyse and report about it.

Finally, Lawrence Gonzi has been involved in a Global Leadership Foundation project in Africa. What did this entail?

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