The psychological operation behind Julian Assange – the guy who fooled many (7)

Assange said that 9/11 was a hoax in a now-deleted 2010 interview with Matthew Bell for the Belfast Telegraph, during which he discussed “crazy conspiracy theories.”

Fast forward to 2017, and let’s hear what he had to say when he was asked this question while Assange was virtually present online to a conference:

“My name is Stan and I’m just wondering you mentioned the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Since we are now living in the wake of consequences of 9/11, do you feel now with the media failing us, that we need a new investigation of 9/11?”

Here is how Assange nervously stuttered through: “I think that it’s an interesting question. The original investigation of 9/11 was of course, you can say, from what, which documents were restricted, ah [coughing] compromised by the United States..” Did something struck in your throat, to cough in that way, dear Julian Assange? “diplomatic power-related, power sensitivities concerning the role of Saudia Arabia perhaps to a degree, the role of a couple of other states.” So, can you please name these states? Which are they? He did not mention them, dear readers. Can you see that he changed his opinion from the 2010 interview?

“I don’t think, well, ah, well obviously I think these things should be investigated. It’s quite interesting to see, after, fifty years, ah new JFK documents coming out. It’s also much interesting directly concerning the murder but the political, the, erm, geopolitical environment attempts by the United States to assassinate people for example. Ah, yes, it’s quite, quite revealing. On a 9/11 issue generally, erm, yeah, I, I don’t think it’s particularly important in a sense that every, erm, day or every few weeks Wikileaks and some other publishers publish proof of very serious existing conspiracies that are happening right now or just a couple of years ago, in order to stop wars or steal billions of dollars. Erm, these things I think can have more overt change. It is of a certain view in relation to 9/11 that it’s some kind of Holy Grail that would change the existing order of things. I don’t think it would, even if it came out, that there were some rogues agents involved. That’s how it would be positioned no matter who it was.”

So, Julian Assange of Wikileaks doesn’t deem 9/11 as important, when the supposed existence of Wikileaks is to publish the truth? Are they dancing rogue agents, by any chance?

Not only was Assange refuting 9/11 claims at The Frontline Club back in 2010; he was also attempting to obtain a Russian visa in order to evade a possible rape trial.

This visa was approved, but it was too late. According to AP, they ran the document through five former Wikileaks Associates to verify its legitimacy.

According to a 2011 AP article:

Who is this forgetful friend of Assange, Israel Shamir?

Israel Shamir was born in Novosibirsk, Siberia (Russia). He is currently best known as a far-right anti-Semitic holocaust denier. The biography on his own website states, among other things, that he moved to Israel in 1969, served in the IDF during the Yom Kippur war and then moved to London in 1975 to work for the BBC. In 1980 he worked for the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, and was Knesset spokesman for the Mapam party. He has also translated the works of Shai Agnon from Hebrew to Russian and in 2004 converted to Christianity.

What his biography doesn’t tell you is that his real name is Izrail Schmerler, and according to his own mother, Esther Schmerler-Lombowski, he was a Zionist when he was younger. She says she belongs “to the ‘Homeland’ movement from the day it was founded. I am a settler. The issue of Israel is difficult for me. As a mother, I prefer not to add. He received a Zionist education. He was a Zionist activist. He did great things.”

Moreover, Shamir makes no reference of the Mapam party’s Marxist Zionist affiliation. Mifleget HaPoalim HaMeuhedet, which translates to “United Workers Party,” is the source of the term Mapam. He also makes no mention of the fact that he eventually joined Florian Geyer, an extreme right-wing Russian party that Alexander Dugin created.

Shamir and Dugin on the left

In 2005, Shamir gave a talk at the conference titled “Zionism As the Biggest Threat to Modern Civilization,” which served as the culmination of his seemingly abrupt transition from far-left Zionist to far-right Christian. David Duke co-chaired the summit in Ukraine.

In 2006, Shamir attended another conference where the same David Duke was a speaker but this time it took place in Iran.

Wikileaks denied that Shamir was connected in any way to them:

However, James Ball, a former Wikileaks employee, claimed in a 2013 piece in The Daily Beast that he knew Shamir was granted access to 90,000 US Embassy Cables since he sent them to him. He added that Shamir had connections to and friendships with Russian intelligence agencies and served as their agent in Russia.

The author of “Inside Wikileaks,” Daniel Schmitt, stated before that “I think Julian is aware of the sort of people he’s associating himself with – there’s been contact with Shamir, at least, for years.”

Shamir’s attendance at Dugin’s 2011 Florian Geyer conference places Assange in close proximity to a man who is close to both David Duke and Dugin.

David Duke and Alexander Dugin
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