The human deindustrialization in preparation for the universal basic income

Now, everything you’re hearing coming from the World Economic Forum with its planned agenda and its planned society, and they mean planned by the way, in every possible aspect of it, right down to population sizes according to countries, even areas within countries, what they will allow, what they won’t allow.  That’s what’s to come down the pike. Again, using Technocracy, which was based on energy as a commodity, or currency, energy, everything’s energy. Food is an energy, don’t forget that too, very, very important one. And everything you need to live basically, for basic things like heat, or cooling, even the power that pumps water from the ground, things like that, everything is ENERGY.  That’s the new currency. And you are unfortunately using lots of energy.

Remember, you are nonessential, most of you now, hm. And you accept it, as you wear your masks and so on and lock yourselves in your homes.  Are you getting the picture that you’re, everything that happens in your life is planned that way? They know exactly how you’re going to behave. As I say, the Great Reset of Mr. Schwab, or Slob as I’d rather call him, because the man literally looks like something… If you put him and Bill Gates and Fauci on a panel, like a James Bond movie for Specter, they’d fit right in there, you know. They’d fit right in there with the Dr. No or something like that on the panel. Because they all look like, to me they all look like criminals.  [Alan laughing.]  They really do. They’ve got that look, like brutes and so on all working together and conspiring against society for their own ends, ‘eh.  That’s what it’s like, living through a James Bond movie with these characters.  All very rich people. That’s exactly how they were portrayed in the James Bond movies. It wasn’t countries necessarily that were the enemy, it was these richest people forming clubs, and they had the power to direct nations’ destinies, and military might and everything else about them because they were so rich and powerful.  We’re pretty well there.

But everything they’re doing at the WEF has been micro tested out before, at least beta tested out in some form or another. Again, don’t get hung up on names.  They expect you to get hung up on names.  As I say, it’s like communism, if it doesn’t call itself communism you won’t associate it with communism. If they want use collectivism, you won’t associate it with collectivism. You’re TOLD what to think and who to call what name to, to whoever they apply it to, well, they’re fascists, or they’re so-and-so’s.  You’ve got to understand what you’re looking AT. Look at the signs and symptoms. It’s like a disease, and any good doctor knows not to just use a name right off the bat for disease. Make sure you go to the signs and the symptoms, the clinical symptoms before you go into the laboratory symptoms. Because then you’re more apt to be accurate, very accurate with your diagnosis. That’s the old-fashioned ones, they actually did diagnostics on their patients, clinical diagnostics.  Now we don’t, all you need now is computers apparently and computer modeling. 

Getting back to what I’m saying, beta testing in some form or another has been done.  In Margaret Thatcher’s time when they had the massive unemployment in Britain, because they were deindustrializing and folk don’t realize that under the agreements at the end of World War II, under the different plans, the Marshall plans that came out, lend-lease programs and so on, Britain agreed to basically go under a European Union idea from Eisenhower. It was all planned that way in order to get the grants. So, they started the secret agreements in 1948 for integration, starting off with the free-trade deal that sounded rather innocuous and harmless. But of course, it was always intended to eventually go into a full-blown integration, in a communistic Soviet type of system.  That’s really how it is because it’s not democratic by any means at all.  It’s technocratic for sure.

Then again, so they were to deindustrialize, you see. So, they did, they did a lot of deindustrialization.  Britain started to send its companies, big corporations abroad, across the water to some other country or another where they get cheap labor that keep manufacturing their goods and so on.  Eventually it went to China as we all know, because the Western countries, those who own the Western countries planned the free-trade agreements with China. And gave it ‘THE MOST FAVORED NATION TRADING STATUS’ title, which allows them to get, pay no taxes basically for 15 to 30 years, depending on if you renew that you can get 30 years out of that, for private businesses that went over to China. So, we set China up and their factories and so on.

During the 70s and into the 80s with Margaret Thatcher, she came out with again this theory that EVERYTHING WOULD BALANCE OUT ITSELF IF WE JUST LEFT THE MARKET ALONE.  So, you had the corporate raiders coming in and getting in through the back doors into companies, then cleaning the whole darn out.  Taking over, cleaning it out of all their major stock and different things, getting rid of what they would call extraneous excessive departments, just slash and burn, then resell them, supposedly selling them as lean competitive companies, which generally folded after that, you know, that’s what happened.  The corporate raiders.

But at the same time too there was massive unemployment. That’s when Margaret Thatcher came out and said, THERE’S A GENERATION GROWING UP NOW WHO WILL NEVER SEE WORK IN THEIR LIFETIME, GET USED TO IT. She said that in a speech on television, GET USED TO IT. Well, that’s your universal basic income if you haven’t figured that out, being tested back then.  They observed, again, constant study, you wouldn’t believe it, of data, data, incoming data, how are the people surviving, are they surviving, what are the youth doing, are they complying, are they getting happily drunk on their excess money to stay at home and all that and going out to bars, or are they causing mayhem?  She said that too, IT’S MUCH BETTER BY OPENING THE BARS MOST OF THE DAY, rather than they used to be closed twice a day I think it was, for a few hours, but open them up and she said, IT’S MUCH BETTER IF THEY GET THE WELFARE MONEY, GO INTO THESE PUBS AND SPEND IT THERE AND GET DRUNK RATHER THAN BE OUT ON THE STREETS MARCHING BECAUSE OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT.  All these things have been ironed out and worked out, beta tested, you see.  Any little problems are tweaked and fixed and remedied before they unroll it out again on a larger scale, for the universal basic income. 

You’ve got to understand you’re living through a long-term agenda, as things don’t happen just instantaneously by themselves.  Maybe a volcano will blow by itself, even then it might get some help, or they know it’s going to blow.  But things on a major scale in society don’t happen by themselves without permission, and funding, and organization, and the training of folk who will lead us all [Alan chuckles.]  even manage it all. It’s all been studied before. Remember too, the beta testing they did with driverless cars in different countries, and electric cars in some countries for the years to see how it would work? Islands even, you know, to test them out, things like that, pretty secretively.  So, everything’s done on a smaller scale and then put out on the bigger population. 

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2021]

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