Masks and Religious Covers – their meaning for the Illuminati

Masks: “The use of masks in the occult world is ancient. For centuries, the gypsies have used them for their hypnotic powers. Special healing masks for their people are kept secret and never shown to the public. Masks have a shock value and fascination value. Gypsy and other occult groups have special rituals to create the masks, including using hair clippings from the person who will wear the mask. Gypsy healing masks are destroyed after the patient gets well. Illuminati programming masks may or may not be destroyed after their use. The Illuminati’s mask-making abilities (according to deprogrammed victims of their mind-control) are very high quality. Sometimes the programmers simply wear Halloween cartoon character masks that anyone can obtain, to fulfill their role in the programming script that they are involved in during the time.”

Religious Covers: “Some beginners who have just started into studying the World Order question why the Illuminati would use legitimate religious covers. Why would the Illuminati want to create a slave who is an evangelist? Why? Because those new converts will go to some establishment church where other programmed multiples in leadership positions will demand obedience (and then support those demands by quoting scriptures that make them seem like they are God’s authority over than new convert). Because the evangelist or missionary and the bishop or pastor are controlled puppets*, the convert will never get the full truth, just enough truth to keep him working hard for their organization. Even though the convert: ‘got God in my life,’ the Illuminati never lose control over him.

The Christians have as much vested interest in preventing the exposure of the Illuminati programmed multiples who are big name Christian ministers running Christendom, as the Illuminati has. Imagine what would happen if the world found out that most of Christianity was run by human-sacrificing, slave-making Illuminati? This is one of the sad effects of the infiltration.

Perhaps the subject of covers can be explained from another angle. The reader knows that the elite like monopolies. They play monopoly for real – for us it’s only a board game! To establish a monopoly, you find a good product that everyone wants or competition yourself. In the U.S., the Illuminati can’t have a one-religion monopoly. In Russia, they had communism with Marx, and Lenin as the Father God and Gon the son figure. Communism had a monopoly on worship. In the US, they have established a monopoly by controlling all the various religious groups. It’s not a matter of what they teach, it’s a matter of control, so that the elite have a monopoly. And when you, as a mover and shaker in the world, control all these various religions via money, blackmail and programmed multiples under your leadership, etc. which religion would you pick to emphasize the most? You will pick the one that sells the best, i.e. the best product. And which brand of Christianity will sell the best? The televised charismatic brand will sell the best. Covers that slaves use to explain what they do in life are almost always ‘legitimate.’ A missionary, a military officer, a salesperson, etc will usually actually do their cover job most of the time. Their cover is their occupation, their service as a mind-controlled slave is almost an unwitting avocation. Organizations are used as covers. The Illuminati use military, social, intelligence, education, banking and other organizations as covers. Moriah’s front organizations, such as the CIA, in turn use other organizations. Here is just a sampling of CIA fronts to show the variety of fronts used:

Asia Foundation was an academic created by the CIA.

Castle Bank & Trust Co. has been a bank in the Caribbean that is a CIA front.

Forum World Features has been a front created for CIA propaganda purposes and based in London, UK

Geschicter Foundation for Medical Research (as well as the Josiah Macy Foundation) was used as an intelligence front to launder money used for mind-control.

Air-Sea Forwarders, Inc. was the legal corporation name of a CIA front in North Hollywood, CA. The company was involved in moving freight. In the last few years, this corporation sued E-Systems, the company which builds the CIA and the NWO’s electronic systems such as their communications satellites. In court, the company proved that it was a CIA front, in spite of CIA denials. As this chapter provides information about some of the Illuminati/intelligence connections to Hollywood, bear in mind that this CIA front was proven in court to be a CIA front in Hollywood. A feat that rarely occurs.”

*except those few who have left their churches and were attacked by their own established church like Bishop Mar Mari, Bishop Strickland, Father Altman and Archbishop Vigano.

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