Who is the lawyer that Freemason Simon Cusens consulted to carry out ‘due diligence’ on Technoline’s sale to Gateway Ltd?

The Shift‘s “inquiry also identified lawyer Larry Formosa of Gozitan Cosrya Legal as another Freemason. Formosa assisted Technoline’s Ivan Vassallo in transferring his company’s shares onto Hillman and Sladden, nominees for Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi, the inquiry found.”

Another lawyer, for a change.

Grandmaster of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, Simon Cusens insisted with The Shift that Ivan Vassallo was his employee at the time of the sale, and he knew he did not have the means to buy Technoline. However, during negotiations, Vassallo never let slip who his real financiers were.

As if it matters. Do you think it is by pure coincidence that his financiers happened to be freemasons too?

Cusens added that his family’s business’s sale to Gateway Ltd was concluded after due diligence, and he had also consulted a serious lawyer to make sure that everything was above board. Cusens added that he has all the documents to prove this.

Apart from the documents, who is this lawyer, dear Grandmaster of the Sovereign Lodge? Does it happen, by pure coincidence, that he is another brother in the lodge, so that businesses and negotiations remain in the ‘brotherhood family’ just like lawyer Larry Formosa of Gozitan Cosyra Legal, also a freemason, who assisted Vassallo to transfer his company’s shares onto Hillman and Sladden?

Or is this a secret which cannot be disclosed to non-members?

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