The Rockefeller’s Influence – Lucis Trust, United Nations, FBI and CIA

“The Rockefellers own land all over South America. The Rockefellers own land most anywhere anyone would want to visit in the US from Hawaii to Texas to Florida and Seal Harbor, Maine. Notice how often Bush would go to Maine when he was President?

The Rockefellers have played a role in Lucis Trust and the United Nations. Interestingly, you will notice that Prince Charles is the spokesperson for Lucis Trust and also works with the United Nations in various ways. Prince Charles is from another satanic bloodline. Readers need to study my ‘Be Wise as Serpents’ book to see how Lucis Trust fits into things.

The Rockefellers were involved in the creation of the FBI, so that the FBI has always been an arm of power for the Illuminati. That is why there are official FBI programs in action today to kidnap children and provide them for sacrifice. Yes, American people, the wolf was set in charge of guarding the chicken coop. The organization that is working as part of the FBI is the Finders. (The stink was so bad that US News & World Report did a story to soften the impact of the scandal. Ex-Satanists who worked with the FBI to receive the children the FBI kidnapped and sold to them for sacrifice have been trying to get the word out publicly about the FBI’s corruption. When the Illuminati was beginning to get exposed in the Franklin Saving & Loan case in Lincoln, NE, the FBI was part of the dirty actors and was part of the cover up. The Rockefellers have had control over the FBI since they helped get it started.

When Congress wanted to investigate the CIA for wrongdoing the appointed a Commission headed by Rockefeller to investigate the CIA’s wrongdoings! Yes, the Rockefeller Commission did a big study and slapped the hands of the CIA for a few misdeeds. Their report is still cited as the big investigation of the CIA. Some investigation! Since the Rockefeller family work hand in hand with the CIA to create Monarch slaves, of course that part of the CIA’s misdeeds got overlooked!

A recent convert from Satanism, Michael McArthur, has given validated inside information about the FBI and the CIA programs which kidnap children in order to supply Satanic rituals with sacrificial material. The names of the agents who spend their official government time kidnapping children for Satanism that Michael knows about are as follows:

Chucky ‘Mike,’ ‘Peters’ – FBI hit man in Div, 5 of FBI, involved with inslaw case Nichol Harrah – FBI agent who abducts children for sacrifice.

Unda Krieg, Satanist working for FBI

Ken Lanning, FBI agent who abducts children for sacrifice

Nick O’Hara, FBI hit man, satanist, has covered FBI child kidnappings by murder

Kape Richardson, CIA agent who abducts children for sacrifice

Rather than risk election, a brilliant coup d’etat which is exposed in ‘Be Wise as Serpents,’ was carried out to put Nelson A. Rockefeller into the Vice-Presidency.”

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