The propaganda of TVM defends legal migration & admits that you are being replaced with the blessing of the government

Occasions like today are one of the few times throughout the year where I have to switch on the tell-a-lie vision.

On TVM’s ongoing program whereby today’s results are being analysed, I hear such statements: (pardon me but I do not know who said them as I cannot stick sitting down listening to the propaganda, so I tend to do other things while channelling my ears to what they are saying) –

“Malta hu pajjiż demokratiku u l-poplu sovran u dan hu proċess demokratiku.”

“Ilhom tliet snin ma jiġu dgħajjes Malta. Illum il-barranin li qed jiġu Malta kollha jiġu hawn bil-permess tax-xogħol.”

“Irridu nippromwovu dak li qed toffri l-EU.”

Democracy has never had a constant definition throughout history on purpose, so that it can be tweaked accordingly. Democracy is leading to dictatorship and we are not in a democratic country at all and no, the people are not sovereign at all! What utter bullshit!

They will continue to impose the EU’s agendas on you. Buckle up your seatbelt as to what awaits you, poplu! We are surely going to war against the mob of Kajjin! X’ġej għalik poplu!

Maybe boats are not coming to Malta anymore, but Malta is still suffering the consequences of illegal migration. Just walk through Marsa, Qormi, Qawra, Buġibba and St Paul’s Bay. In addition, the propaganda is telling you that it is genociding you with legal migration of people of Asian origin with the blessing of the government and its agencies. Have a look at the health sector, which is being filled with such workers. This site was informed that whenever nurses who were on maternal leave return back to work, they are seen in a bad light because they are ‘replacing’ foreigners.

The government has turned against you, instead of seeing on how to reduce the population, increase salaries of the Maltese people and restore the middle-class. It is not healthy to have a society with too many people being rich, which does not necessarily mean being millionaires. Foreigners should be discouraged from remaining here and this is done by taxing them more than locals. Yes, if foreigners open a business here they pay much less tax than the Maltese people. Recruitment agencies should be controlled too. Eventually renting and home ownership will stabilize to a lower price.

With this mechanism of multiculturalism that the government has endorsed, which is being sold to you as beneficial while thanking the government that no boats have reached our shores in the past three years [but they have before and now we are filled with illegal migrants too], the well-off people are receiving easy money from the current liberal economy based upon property and construction industry greed, excessive renting and buying costs, slave labour market and so forth. This mechanism is also one which allows people to live on social benefits instead of doing an honest job, hopefully with good pay, that they had once left like teaching, carers, waiters, and nursing.

We need radical politics if we are to bring back the middle-class and restore it to its glory.

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