Robert Abela’s push for abortion is part of the depopulation program which is the same population control board of the United Nations

Last Monday Prime Minister Robert Abela stated that “the introduction of abortion is among the discussions that the country needs to have even if it could be unpopular.” Abela is carrying the shovel to dig his own grave.

Speaking after a three-hour meeting of the Labour Party’s executive and parliamentary group, Abela said:  “The discussion on abortion is one of the topics we need to talk about,”  while adding that he was not saying that abortion should be introduced.  Really? Titmejlu bin-nies. Then why is it being put on the table for discussion? This is the usual hat trick to deflect from criticism. Abela is putting in a controversial topic into the open so that the nation is distracted from his failures. And what is worse, is that he is taking his failures out on the unborn.

“Even if the discussion does not result in the introduction of this right, we would have had an informed discussion instead of keeping people in fear,” he said. Fear? Abela is talking gibberish. A discussion means that the Maltese nation has to embrace itself for another phase in which it will lack peace – we did not have a break since Covid-19 – and during which the propaganda and the narrative will roll their sleeves to shift the nation’s moral framework and to twist the public’s opinion and modify its behaviour and feelings so to make it tag along the agenda of abortion. Together with the propaganda and the narrative, embrace yourselves for all the so-called ‘independent’ [which they aren’t] think tanks, associations and organisations to come out talking murder like Doctors for Choice and Women’s Rights Foundation.

“This, he said, was not a matter of winning votes but of responsibility.” The Labour Party will only win a few votes if abortion is introduced but lose many. And it will seal the destruction of the moral framework of this country. Killing innocent lives is never to be discussed.

“Earlier on Monday Abela said that the electorate expected courageous decisions from the government in the wake of Saturday’s elections.” Abortion is not part of the courageous decisions that the electorate want. If the electorate wanted abortion, they would have voted in droves for ADPD.

Abela’s incompetency fails to grab the bull by the horns. Why don’t you start with the corruption and arrogance in your government, Abela? Why don’t you find ways of cleaning your party and introducing a corruption free, mature way of doing politics? There are so more pressing needs that this country craves for. PL definitely did not lose votes as a result of lack of abortion rights, or what they call women’s rights, in their ongoing propaganda targeted against women. In order to win over more voters, the party must own up to its obvious past transgressions; disassociate itself from its corrupt members; and master the courage to fire the opportunists that Joseph Muscat allowed and inherited and who now dominate the party media. Abela needs to suspend anyone found to be corrupt and incompetent, including ministers and politically appointed bureaucrats in the state-run organizations and a never-ending list.

The party also needs to tackle the multiculturalism agenda which is leading to Malta’s overpopulation and cheap labour; the destruction of trees, ongoing construction, high rental prices, high property prices, lack of opportunities, and the great economical reset with a high cost of living because the electorate is demoralised observing how the pigs in the Castille Ivory Tower have closed their ears to the cry of the lower and middle classes.

We can also say that the non-voters wanted to send a strong message to both parties and to the EU.

And yet, Abela, who is always speaking from his matrix of illusion, said that “The PL needs to take necessary decisions for the country, even if they are not immediately popular but will be appreciated in the long term.” Not only that, he stood by the decision that the government took “a few months ago to revise a law that would allow terminations when a woman’s life was in grave danger was not a mistake. It had achieved its purpose by allowing doctors to intervene when a pregnant woman’s life was in danger, and thus women were now better protected,” that is, when an Act of Parliament (Act XXII of 2023) added two legal grounds for abortion.

Surely, the PL keeps on admitting that it is a liberal and far-left political wing because abroad for example, we have the liberal group Renew Europe which is pushing for abortion rights across the EU.

Now, all this confirms what this site wrote and published last May:

“And let us not forget that abortion is in the pipeline and no matter what, it will resurface as another agenda to be fulfilled because what the EU and the UN order, has to be executed by hook and by crook. And the media will again tag along.” And Times of Malta has already tagged along.

And let us not forget that the PL [together with the PN] took on itself the permission to carry out selective breeding through its eugenics legislation making eugenics part of the Maltese law through the embryo genetic testing which brought about the eugenics transhumanism abortion.

All of this, dear readers, confirms that abortion is another agenda which like eugenics, the abortion pill, the ‘baby boomer problem’ and baby levy tie with carbon taxes which are part of the Green agendas which are further part of the depopulation program. Please read here and here.

Yes, abortion is in the pipeline and I would like to ask Abela how does he intend to move forward after the series of discussions? Do you intend to come up with a referendum? Since when will the people have to decide on an act which is already deemed criminal legally in our law, specifically in Article 241 (1) and (2) and Article 243, articles which criminalised abortion and which have been in force since the 1800s!

And where is the PN? Did it come out condemning this?

So, I repeat, that all of this, dear readers, confirms that abortion is another agenda which like eugenics, the abortion pill, the ‘baby boomer problem’ and baby levy tie with carbon taxes which are part of the Green agendas which are further part of the depopulation program, which is the same population control board of the United Nations.

The population must be brought down by any means possible.

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