Qormi Mayor Josef “tal-handbags” Masini reġa’ għamilha!

The Mayor of Qormi Josef “tal-handbags” Masini apologized after a video appeared of him scolding the Minister for the Environment Miriam Dalli during a council meeting, back in 2022.

In the video, he appeared complaining loudly about the BCRS machine, a service which residents are complaining about, and rightly so. Masini said that the machines are leaving around a lot of litter, and that Miriam Dalli, who was responsible for this scheme, had to resign because she was “incompetent.”

There are many more reasons why this Best Communist Raping Service machines should disappear once and for all. But they don’t because Minister Miriam Dalli won’t see to it, considering that this communist service is not only connected to the green agendas and totalitarian control of the people, but this government entity employs a lot of foreigners from Asian countries. We have to channel all these foreign workers through a funnel, don’t we?

Besides, rumours have it that behind these machines are De La Rue (its CEO perhaps), and Keith Schembri, perhaps. If this is just a rumour or more than that, I do not know. But it would be democratic for the Maltese nation to have the BCRS contract published and know who is making millions out of this communist service which is having the people standing in a queue to take back the 10c on which they were taxed and to add insult to injury, the people are asked to contact the entity if they find the machines full or out of service. What a slavery system imposed by the same slavery system. Tagħmlek kornut tagħha.

Masini, objectively and fairly, is right and does have good points. Masini also complained that many people have to be “bootlickers” to be given what they need and want from the government. This is also correct and a valid observation.

But Masini must also clarify that the way he interacts, at times perhaps, is not very respectful.

This is because on hearing what my mum was loudly saying about him while she was pushing her mum on a wheelchair on the street, a few months before grandma had to be transferred to an elderly home, he lashed out angrily at her screaming, “Aw int, f*xx kemm għandek, għax ma tmurx tieħdu f*xx ommok.”

Mum turned round and replied, “Excuse me are you talking to me? Firstly, apologise to my mum because she is the one sitting on the wheelchair to whose body part you are referring to.”

And Masini of the handbags was already a mayor at the time, as he by default became so on the passing of the popular and loved former mayor, Renald Falzon.

Qormi Mayor Josef “tal-handbags” Masini reġa’ għamilha!

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