Post EP election, Lovin Malta mocks the election results of Imperium Europa

Journalism is a vocation and a mission to inform. The media has the important role to inform. Journalism is a very important tool in a democratic society and journalists should be the watchdogs and holding those in power accountable for their actions. It is, at the end of the day, the public’s right to information. But Lovin Malta [and the rest] won’t have anything to do with this.

Imbasta independent journalism! The controlled, compromised and corrupt media in Malta has turned into a deadly weapon. When the media is hijacked and doesn’t do its actual job, it becomes a manipulative tool to influence and brainwash the masses on how to process certain information in their minds! PN and PL won’t let you use their tools if doing so means that they lose. In that case, you’ll need to make your own tools.

The local liberal and far-left media, receiving grants from the liberal and far-left government, played a pivotal role in the MEP elections 2024 to manipulate voters’ decisions by feeding them the information they saw fit and not what was being offered. It thus pushed left candidates.

There was a concerted attack on Imperium Europa from all sides. But the worst was NET TV allowing Peppi Multiculturalism Agenda Pusher Azzopardi of ‘you should open your home to illegal immigrants’ to spew outright lies.

Up till a recent poll pre-election, Imperium Europa placed third. Then in came the propaganda machine pushing Cassola, which shifted the result. The independent candidates did not help either.

Lovin Malta, Lovin PN journalist Tim Diacono started the article with

“Imperium Europa leader Norman Lowell lost 1,569 first-count votes this election when compared to the number of votes he received in 2019.

Lowell received 6,669 first-count votes, with inherited votes boosting the figure to 8,577 by the time he was eliminated from the contest.

This represents a significant decline from the 2019 European Parliament election, when he received 8,238 first-count votes and 9,693 total votes.

And so? What’s the problem? David Casa got only 3000 votes and yet got elected thanks to the transfer of votes of Metsola. But Hatin Malta, Lovin PN, won’t tell you that, as Casa is one of the ‘Loved PN’. And let’s face it – Lowell still got more than Casa on first count – with 6,669 votes which went up to 8,577 with inherited votes.

Here comes the ‘mockery’ part:

“A firebrand candidate who has spoken fondly about the Nazi party, Lowell didn’t take part in a single election debate this campaign. Instead, Imperium Europa was often represented on debate panels by Terrence Portelli.

Portelli performed dismally last weekend, only obtaining 147 first-count votes. In contrast, Nazareno Bonnici ‘Tal-Ajkla’ received 206.”

What is the problem with Imperium Europa having a spokesperson? All parties have. And Terrence Portelli is highly literate, intelligent, young, and dedicated, with a strong desire to make a positive impact on Europe’s future. Besides, Norman Lowell is on record stating that he did receive a lot of invitations to go on various television stations but he refused because he knew that they won’t be neither genuine nor honest with him.

Is Lovin Malta making fun of Terrence Portelli, contrasting his votes with that of ‘Tal-Ajkla’? This pretty much sums up the IQ level of this bizarre country.

Did Lovin Malta ever give the public Imperium Europa’s policies, in detail, explaining them to the public, informing the public, pre-election? No, it didn’t. But this site did.

Did Lovin Malta ever inform you that we have lost our European manufacturing power due to the Green policies which were imposed in the 1980s, which made the manufacturing industries go to China, which will make China the only nation on earth that can endure and sustain a prolonged total war? No it didn’t. But Portelli did.

Did Lovin Malta ever inform you that the living income for those that do not produce or contribute anything is a receipt for an economic and social disaster? No it didn’t. But Portelli did.

Did Lovin Malta ever inform you how the middle-class can become strong again, by eradicating the abuse on our welfare system? No it didn’t. But Portelli did.

Did Lovin Malta ever give you information about the global conflict resolution services, which is something very practical and which is quite conforming to our Constitution, and that PNPL have become our traitors? No it didn’t. But Portelli did.

Did Lovin Malta ever educate you on how to address our declined birth rate? No it didn’t. Because it is one of the main propagandist of the destruction of the family unit, let alone having healthy couples and healthy families. It prefers to promote polyamory, for example. Lovin Malta does not tell you that ‘a man and a woman is as nature and God intended’, where the man is the protector of the family, and the woman is the heart of the family while the children are the future. But Portelli did address it. In Portelli’s words “The true essence of a nation lies in the souls of its people, and every family unit nurtures the soul of the future of the Nation… Masculinity in its truest form does not destroy but builds, it does not oppress but frees; it stands not for battle cries but for the silent resolve that defends the very fabric of our society…Femininity is not weakness; it is the profound pillar of our societal strength, manifesting as both the whisper of compassion in our laws and the fierce roar of protection in our actions… Our children are the seedlings of the garden of the nation; how we raise them, in the spirit of true masculinity and femininity, will determine the fragrance of our Nation’s future.” But the eternal enemy keeps on undermining and attacking the family because broken families do not have the motivation to fight for their community. And broken families lead to isolated individuals. And isolated individuals are so much wounded and demoralized that they won’t act.

Did Lovin Malta ever educate you about the international financial institutions? No. But Portelli did. Please read the series starting from here. Portelli was the only one who went head on against the international financial institutions. He talked about how our economy has been and is being manipulated; about international payment system, local SME’s and Sole Traders; about the people’s currency (money with a 100% backing of platinum, gold and silver), and the people’s bank. These would be separated from the manipulation and speculation of the State and International Financial Institutions. He also gave realistic solutions of low interest rates for local businesses.

Portelli also gave an economic model on how to strengthen the middle-class; abolish income tax, abolish progressive taxation system and the setting-up of a flat taxation system. Please follow

In another piece, I will tackle Portelli’s insight on why democracy has failed. This was something which no local media has talked about, expanded and explained to the public.

Instead, Lovin Malta, in this case, kept on associating Imperium Europa with the Nazi while all the propagandists of the far-left came out reminding the people that Norman Lowell is against disabled people. In reality, the media failed to criticise PL and PN for the amendment of IVF law, carrying out selective breeding through its eugenics legislation making eugenics theories part of the Maltese law, embracing the master race ideology which is Nazism. But this is fine for Lovin Malta, the propaganda mind.

In another piece, I will show the readers how Terrence Portelli tackled this disability issue through the ethics-governed Human Enhancement Technology (exoskeleton and neurological).

Imperium Europa provided practical solutions which could have gradually turned Malta into anything which is opposite of the shit hole that the PNPL, both liberal and far-left, have turned it to.

And yet, Lovin Malta failed to inform the public objectively. But it finds no scruples to mock Normal Lowell and Terrence Portelli, post-election. All media attacked Lowell, and they all must have regarded Terrence Portelli as an actual threat, while indirectly targeting this site because I was their main mouthpiece when it comes to write-ups and I have always been regarded as a threat for publishing anything which is deemed as a threat.

Lovin Malta, you can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but one day, you will not fool all the people anymore.

But for now, Lovin Malta thinks that it is of a superior race media and has the privilege to decide what half-lies and half-truths it gives to the public, while filling in the blanks with its propaganda, which was something that the mainstream media did during Stalin’s and Hitler’s reign, at the time.

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