A short essay from a National Security Perspective on the threats posed by international financial institution (part 1)

This topic, which will be published and divided in a series of short blogs, is a very short essay from a national security perspective on the threats posed by international financial institutions. It deals with the threat posed by the international financial industry and the apex importance of re-nationalizing the European economy, a necessary path for Europe’s independence.

I did not write this article. Instead, credit goes to the MEP candidate of Imperium Europa, Terrence Portelli, who kindly asked me if I could publish this piece of his. Since I firmly believe in freedom of thought, here is a cut-and-paste of Portelli’s article. I would like to thank Terrence Portelli for his contribution.

Abstract: Karry Bolton, in his work “Opposing the Money Lenders: The Struggle to Abolish Interest Slavery,” delved into the historical roots of modern financial systems. He exposed the fact that it was always immoral, unjust, and illegal (And rightly so. But of course, there were always loopholes being used throughout time, which resulted in massive chaos when they failed and thus were exposed to loaning a sum of money to anyone who’s “your people,” e.g., a Christian to a Christian, a Muslim to a Muslim, a Jew to a Jew, etc., and charging them a fee or an interest rate on the loaned sum, because those fees or interest rates will always keep your people as slaves (debt trap) and they will never rise up the socio-economic ladder. However, lending money and charging anyone who is not one of your own, a fee or an interest rate on the loaned sum was completely acceptable, because by doing so, they would keep them as slaves.

Bolton (and others before him) criticize the contemporary financial system as “Money is a means towards an end, not an end in itself.” This underscores a fundamental philosophical and ethical argument about the real nature of money and its role within the economy. The primary use of money is to act as a medium of exchange. We can see money is a “tool.” A tool designed to facilitate trade and economic activity by representing the value of goods and services; but also, a tool representing mankind’s greatest assets, man’s craftsmanship and time. Which are both considered human value (intangible assets) that is dedicated to creating those goods and services. Therefore, charging interest on loaned money, beats up and distorts the foundational purpose of money, by transforming money from a medium of exchange into a commodity in its own right. The action of transforming money into a commodity is where interest is charged for the use of money itself, as it does not contribute to the production of tangible goods or services; hence, it does not naturally generate value that can justify the exchange of more money.

Bolton does not stop here in his critique of interest rates. He highlights the systemic impact of the financial structure on the real economy. When money is treated as an end, that end can be multiplied by means of interests, The financial institution and money lenders will accumulate wealth without contributing anything to the productive economy – without building home, manufacturing goods, or offering a service through their productive skill that directly benefits the society they operate in. This will generate a result of a distorted economic priorities – Financial speculation and the accumulation of wealth through interests. These prioritise will take precedence over the real production of goods and services to meet human needs and satisfy human wants; while distorts a society from evolving Culturally, which will lead them to their demise. (In the decline of the West, Spengler explains how when a society starts worshipping money, they kill their cultural spirit, therefore, they are in their last phase of development. This will lead to the collapse of that civilization).”

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