No, Bernard Grech! This is the time for the Maltese nation to experiment!

Here comes the emperor ineżistenti of the partit tas-sinjuri u tal-globalisti, not-fit-for-purpose but tax evader Bernard Grech to tell you that now it is not the time to experiment and give the vote to the small political parties.

I didn’t know that we had two big political parties. As far as I know there is only one-and-the-same of the much-more-of-the-same political party, but anyway. We are always learning new things in the political puppet show.

In his last speech before he backs down so that someone else with a spine takes his seat…no, sorry….In his speech in the last puppet political activity before the Maltese nation votes tomorrow, Bernard Grech appealed to the masses attending his mass hypnosis session to vote for the PN because now it is the time for the Labourites to send a message to the Labour party. But instead of appealing to the Maltese nation to vote to the small political parties, or the independent candidates, Grech tried to redirect the Maltese nation to vote for the PNAS instead.

The Maltese nation must find a way in an ongoing experimentation to oust this party and its dangerous establishment out of the way and out of this country, because, dear Bernard Grech, any vote that goes to the PN is also doing its job in the ballot box of the political mafia – the PN’s establishment which is pulling your strings from the back.

Yes Bernard Grech, I agree with you that this is not a normal period. We are living in the most abnormal century and its peak but to which you and your PNAS tagged along, and hence this is why it is the right time to experiment and vote wisely.

What an annoyance it has become to have to hear Grech of the Caravan on the Greek Islands buzzing in our ears, like a mosquito.

On 7th June, we commemorate the killing of four courageous Maltese people by British troops following a series of riots by the Maltese nation, in 1919.

On 8th June, we should be commemorating the day that the Maltese nation sends a strong message to both parties following a series of mass awakening by the same nation, in 2024.

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