Follow the white line David Casa was re-elected again so that he continues to screw Malta ‘bis-saħħa għalik fl-Ewropa’

Follow the white line David Casa was re-elected again.

The blindfolded and ear-plugged PN supporters have elected a war criminal who endorses war.

The blindfolded and ear-plugged PN supporters have elected someone who spits venom with his reports against the Maltese nation, of which he is proud of.

The blindfolded and ear-plugged PN supporters have elected someone who has made sure to bring more totalitarian control on the people through the climate change package, while he flies around back and forth for free. But I guess flying is not part of climate change.

Ara vera poplu li bħall-iblah, taqlagħlu għajnejh u jifraħ.

How he got elected with 3000 votes is beyond me. And yet he strutters happily around like a peacock that he was elected, in a mechanism which favours the disgusting PN and PL.

“This will be Casa’s fifth term, making him Malta’s longest-serving MEP.  PN counting agents applauded and banged on the perspex dividers at the Naxxar counting hall as Casa’s re-election was confirmed, having inherited most second preference votes from Metsola” wrote Times of Malta. This means that he will continue to earn €8k a month, together with other perks which will be tackled in another piece. If we do the sum, €8k monthly x 60 months is equivalent to €480,000. I honestly think this is a miserable estimate. And this is what is on paper. Because he earned so much more, and tax-free during all these years. When there was the Qatargate case, they all voted against declaring the money they earn from lobbying. Casa is just another corrupt MEP enjoying a lavish lifestyle in the same corrupt EU.

No wonder he feels privileged again to serve in this corrupt institution.

Rest assured that vouching for more work ‘bis-saħħa għalik fl-Ewropa,’ means that he will continue to screw you ‘bis-saħħa għalik fl-Ewropa’ while he follows the white line or two.

X’ġej għalik poplu! U bis-saħħa, għalik, mill-Ewropa, fl-Ewropa.

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