Who from the Caruana Galizia brothers is involved with the importation of the Pfizer vaccines?

Their highnesses The Caruana Galizia brothers are very active in the Globalists’ organisations like the World Economic Forum and the European Union, apart from other matters.

Matthew Caruana Galizia had already been tackled. You can read more here.

Paul Caruana Galizia is the youngest brother, and is the editor and reporter of Tortoise, having become a reporter after his mother’s murder. Since then, “he has won some journalism awards and, with his two brothers, a Magnitsky Human Rights Award and an Anderson-Lucas-Norman Award for tax justice heroism.” Lately, he was all over the news for winning yet another prize, which is the Cornelius Ryan Prize for best non-fiction book, A Death in Malta, which was recognized as the Best Non-Fiction Book on International Affairs. You can read about this book, how their highnesses are described as the world’s saviours, and all this saga in The Guardian. The Guardian does not tell you that Yorgen Fenech is not the mastermind and that the trial is tainted and corrupted from beginning to end.

But of course it was given to you by the mainstream media propaganda mouthpiece, The Guardian. Please note that as part of the Think Thank of the European Parliament, that is the documents which help dictate new EU legislation in order to screw you up, an event was held back in January in the library of the European Parliament in Brussels, which is located on the fifth floor of the Tower of Babel. In this event, European President Roberta Metsola introduced this Book Talk entitled Protection of journalists in the European Union featuring Paul’s book. Other entertainers of this clown show were the European Commission Vice-President Věra Jourová who gave a speech, while Paul Caruana Galizia discussed his book with MEP Assita Kanko and MEP Ramona Strugariu. The aim of such talks by the EU is to defend the freedom of the press. What a joke when the EU is itself a strong key indicator of democratic backsliding.

This discussion was moderated by none other than Guardian journalist Juliette Garside. No wonder the Guardian had also covered this book too, together with all the rest of the fake information, twisted facts, and twisted truths.

Finally, we have Andrew Caruana Galizia. Andrew Caruana Galizia is none other than the Deputy Head of Europe and Eurasia. He was also a World Economic Forum agenda contributor in which he led the Forum’s engagement with several South Asian and Asia Pacific economies as a Global Leadership Fellow. From 2012 to 2017, he served as a Maltese career diplomat, with postings as deputy head of mission in Berlin and New Delhi.

You know that the local Establishment is colluding with the International Establishment when you have the Galizias being involved in the World Enslaving Forum and The European Tower of Babel Union together with Roberta Metsola and other MEPs from both sides.

You know that the local Establishment is one and the same when both political parties tagged along the COVID-19 agendas, restrictions, and deadly and experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

You know that the local Establishment is one and the same when former Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi signed the open letter to encourage governments to accept the diabolical World Health Organization pandemic treaty when in the same WHO, we have Dr. Fearne as President of the same World Homicide Organization.

You know that the local establishment is one and the same when we have politicians, MEPs and the Galizia brothers being given rewards, which always come to those who obey the rules that come from High Up especially for those who are also part and parcel of these High Up cults.

Dear Caruana Galizias brothers, since you are supposedly against the stifling of free speech and the killing of legitimate investigation or criticism, this site has received investigative information that one of you is involved in the importation of the deadly and experimental Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Can you verify and clarify, please? No harm, no, considering that you did it for ‘the health and safety’ of the nation, yes?

This site has the information, but as the Establishment modus operandi, let’s put the cube of cheese out first while hiding the mouse trap.

I repeat, it is of no wonder that the PN never opposed Dr. Fearne throughout anything that is related to COVID-19 and anything that followed suit.

Did you earn some profit from their sales too, by any chance?

And in this light, we can continue to start making more sense of Daphne’s last statement before she was murdered: “There are crooks everywhere you look now. The situation is desperate.”

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