We’re going into a totalitarian regulated system, published in works where they said how this democracy would never work

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix on December 3rd, 2007. Newcomers, look into cuttingthroughthematrix.com and download as many talks as you want to, and for those who speak other tongues, the tongues of Europe, look into alanwattsentientsentinel.eu where you can download transcripts in the various tongues of Europe for free and pass them around to your friends. It’s quite something to live in this present time where all the speculations of previous generations could go all over the roadmap and yet we’re going through times where you have evidence of where the future is going because so much has been published by the various institutions that are bringing it all about.

There’s really no conspiracy out there. In fact as far back as the early 1900’s H.G. Wells published ‘The Open Conspiracy’ and he said the same thing. He said there’s no real conspiracy. He said everything’s been published. It’s just the public don’t bother to read the books and that’s so true because the books that the public do read are generally pushed out there to fascinate them, to intrigue them. Something that Adam Weishaupt talked about. He said the best way to confuse people or even recruit people into working as useful idiots, he called them, is to give them a great mystery, a great mystery and intrigue them into your organization and then you can use them, and hasn’t that ever being done and still going on today. There’s no amount of people who are willing followers because we love to b fascinated.

In fact, this present culture has been reared on entertainment, so much so that they can’t really tell the difference between fact and fiction that’s has been helped by the mainstream media whose job of course it is to blend fact with fiction. You have that all the time and you have your main libraries and also the booksellers who no longer really label everything as fiction and non-fiction. Everything is lumped into certain categories. Very broad categories and Joe Average can’t really well the difference often when it comes to fact or fiction.

The facts are that we’re going into a totalitarian regulated system, a system much talked about in fact at the beginning and before the beginning of the 1900’s but definitely after at beginning they published a lot of work of how this democracy idea would never work and this came out from London and they planned to create big institutions. Institutions that would guide us into the real future, the future they’d planned and how democracy wouldn’t work because there were too many conflicting parties in democracy to get things actually done; and the boys at the top who run their world love to get their own way and plan things and follow it through. Democracy would always hinder them as people haggled about points and fine points and so on and politicians battled with each other for brownie points and so they set-up a parallel government. This parallel government would be based at least initially in London, England, and it was given a Royal Charter to exist, so it speaks on behalf of the Crown you might say and that which the Crown stands for, which is an aristocracy of wealthy elites who realize this is their world. They’ve created it so and they want to plan their future.

Big meetings were heled in London and other major centers in Europe because they were all connected with same people at the top who are all related actually and they said a democracy had too many conflicting parties. Parties which could never be reconciled in any way and the bickering would go on forever and this would stagnate culture. Something they really hate at the top, stagnation of culture, when they have an agenda to put forth. The agenda has always been how to control people, to make it happen actually, by studying them, putting incredible amounts of money out on studying human nature and finding ways to ultimately control all of it and then to bring the population down to keep it in check, to have what they call a manageable level. Since everything at the top is run on economics we forget that our little lives here, you and I and all the rest of the people, we’re all part of an economic system and when the herd is too big it becomes unmanageable for them. It’s not productive enough and they plan to start knocking it down and they were writing about that part as early as the 1700’s. You should checkout Thomas Malthus’s writings on population. It’s quite interesting.

[Alan Watt, Cutting Through the Matrix, 2007]


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