We are in the scientific era where technology is being used to gain more control over every single person as they go into the big Borg world police state

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt and just talking about the things that we take for granted and yet there’s nothing in your existence that you should take for granted because your life is really planned for you. At least the changes in your life are planned for you. Fashions and even music is designed way ahead of this introduction into society, all depending upon decisions of those who create your culture and it’s called “culture creation.” They used this term in the Soviet system where actors and musicians and so on were well aware of their role. Their role was to give a new totalitarian type of image to the new Soviet man and woman so they’re all working together. So all their plays and their movies were centered around production for the common good and they went to incredible extremes to show these farcical movies. I think one of them everyone came down with some kind of infection one by one until there was only two left in the whole factory and they rigged everything up with levers and strings to keep all the levers going, just to get through, to make it all happen and to prove that the Soviet human was so superior, so you gave everything. You were a cog in the wheel. A cog in the machine basically of this vast empire of Soviet and it’s no coincidence that the Soviet man was viewed as a collective, because the whole Soviet system came from the West.

It was funded by the big bankers run by the big economists — the only ones who took the art of economy, the science of economy and used it on vast amounts of people. They had the histories of how economy shapes the world and how those who control money literally control the world. Very old technique and they used that system for the Soviet system where they viewed everyone as part of the collective. Individualism was out and the collective was in, and it was a sham from the beginning because there already was an elite formed very quickly and a new kind of class system was introduced very quickly and the vast bulk of the populace was down below working their fingers to the bone, all working for a better day. A better dawn, as they used to say, which never really happened because corruption was rampant at the very beginning at the top and it simply spread gradually, gradually all the way down until you had to bribe everyone including doctors. Even for an appointment to see a doctor or even bribe people in hospitals to have your nearest and dearest given fresh linen, if they were lying in urine you had to bribe people. That was the end product and this was known as the beginning of the Soviet system by those who created it in the West, because they’d already given us a system in the West of production, competition and rewarding those who are a bit more vicious than the others. Sad comment to make on humanity but it’s true. That is the system we live in. The psychopathic type system.

However, both systems, the West and the East, took a lot of their knowledge, at least they used the knowledge of Charles Darwin to do with survival of the fittest and both of them went through an industrial era, where, for the first time, people were looked upon as ‘the masses.’ That’s the term they put out there and everyone started parroting ‘the masses,’ the mass, and individualism as I say was gone. You were not treated like an individual human being. You were simply part of the collective, no matter how special you thought you were yourself. This has been pushed further and further into the new scientific era that we’re in today. A scientific era where technology is being used to gain more control over every single person as they go into the big Borg world police state. Even here in Canada, you find today they’ve introduced a new driving license, which just happens to be exactly the same as the one they’ve introduced in the U.S. with barcodes and all the rest of it and the holographic images, and in 2008 we’ll have the new I.D. card, which is the same one as the U.S., which is the same one as the British one and everyone else’s one because they’re all getting made by the same companies.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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