The U-Turn of Fearne and the sly move of the Labour Government – and what else?

History repeats itself and the books show us this. If you had to read Dan Jones’ book “Reference to Power of Thrones,” you would realise how a pro-business government mentality is not recommended due to its disadvantages, as seen occurring and recurring throughout the centuries. And this is a big problem that Malta has been facing for a long time. We might say since independence.

Jones wrote: “Such were the risks inherent when merchants involved themselves in politics. And perhaps it is not surprising that then – as now – businessmen who sought or accepted political office laid themselves open to allegations of corruption, malfeasance, and hopeless conflicts of interest.”

And this can be easily transferred to Dr. Fearne, who used his political office to turn himself into a businessman, part of a pro-business government, in cahoots with the pro-business PN’s establishment of the Caruana Galizias in his marketing and sales of the deadly and experimental COVID-19 vaccines. More of the dangerous implication of this in another piece.

“Chris, the Labour Party is proud of you. Malta is proud of you,” Prime Minister Robert Abela said, during yesterday’s speech.

According to Abela, people like Fearne “set aside their lives for the better of the country.” Really? What a big, fat lie. He added that people like Fearne should never face injustice. It is the Maltese citizens who are truly facing injustices, through anything that Chris Fearne was involved in, and it is about time for Abela to see into this, if he truly means to defend those facing injustice, as he vouched to make it a mission.

Ironically, Abela said that he will dedicate his life to those who bring Malta together, while promising that he will never allow anyone to move the country backwards. Considering that Fearne’s name was always coming up in corrupt bureaucratic deals, considering how he followed orders in the pseudo-pandemic, while selling lethal and experimental vaccines, I hope that Abela does not see this as a means of dedicating one’s life to bring Malta together because this, apart from an endless list of other reasons not related to Fearne, has moved the country backwards one big time!

And if we want to dig deeper, shall we conclude that Chris Fearne controls both Robert Abela and Bernard Grech, meaning that he has become a traitor not only of the Labour party but also of Malta while he is in cahoots with the PN’s establishment of the Caruana Galizias who obey the orders of the Globalists, the worldwide establishment? More about this later.

But surely, one cannot expect Abela to come out not defending Fearne after the Labour Party decided internally that Fearne is to remain the party’s deputy leader. Because first, Robert Abela does not want to show the nation that the party is divided. We all know how the party got divided between those who supported Fearne and those who supported Abela during the internal party elections of who will become leader and prime minister. In addition, we have then the faction of those who still support Dr Muscat and those who support Robert Abela, not only within the party itself but even from the general public.

One cannot expect Abela to come out not defending Fearne knowing that in his party, there are many sharks who are not happy with him at the helm. Unfortunately, in politics, instead of having a team uniting together to serve the country, you will find those gremlins who are there to serve their pockets and interests and who team together in order to backstab their team mates as long as they accomplish their goals while screwing the whole nation. And these gremlins are those that cause ‘mishaps’ to the party and to the nation.

One cannot expect Abela to come out not defending Fearne after he unwillingly refused his resignation because while it is good to keep your friends close, it is wiser to keep the enemies closer.

One cannot expect Abela to come out not defending Fearne after Fearne handed in his resignation to save himself from shame and humiliation, and not in the interest of the party. Bil-Malti, Abela ma riedx ipaxxieh. He didn’t want him to take some kind of glory.

One cannot expect Abela to come out not defending Fearne when the latter was ready to leave the Labour Party drowning amidst this saga – we should all remember how he was knicknamed ‘il-poxt’ from former canvassers of Konrad Mizzi for knowing how to play the political game. And in his resignation, Fearne ‘il-poxt’ was again playing another political game. And Abela realised this and refused to fall for this game by accepting his resignation.

If all the above are the true reasons behind the Labour Party’s refusal of Fearne ‘il-poxt’ resignation, then it is understandable that the Labour Party comes out defending that decision. It is how the political game works for those who want to tackle the poxtijiet in the party. However, I do hope the party understands that how the masses see this, turns into a very dangerous tactic indeed for Malta.

If all the above are the true reasons behind the Labour Party’s refusal of Fearne ‘il-poxt’ resignation, then the Labour Party must stand with any dangerous implications and consequences of this decision.

If all the above are the true reasons behind the Labour Party’s refusal of Fearne ‘il-poxt’ resignation, then Prime Minister Robert Abela must stand up and stand tall to see how to manage to clean himself and the party from anything that Fearne ‘il-poxt’ has abused his public office seat for, if he wants to be remembered as the Prime Minister who is as wise as a serpent but plays the innocent role of a dove, so to destroy the PN’s establishment in cahoots with Fearne ‘il-poxt’ while making Malta a crucial country in this warfare between darkness and light. In addition, this will save Abela from being remembered as another prime minister who praised the deadly and experimental vaccines, tagged along the pseudo-pandemic, and who encouraged employers to force the employees to take such vaccines. I would definitely do not want to be a grain of salt in his shoes, when the Truth is out, one day.

If not, then Abela is allowing another merchant involved in “corruption, malfeasance and hopeless conflicts of interest” and no matter how often this merchant lays himself open to such allegations, he will always remain the ‘poxt’ that he is, seeking ways on how to burn his own nation to rule over the ashes.

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