The Interface (part two)

“Now this is interesting because you see there’s also another article came out at the same time. This one is using EEG technology electroencephalographic technology. However, what I mentioned about a month ago was the Pentagon and the British counterpart had also set-up virtual worlds with every human being that’s registered in these virtual worlds and they’re gathering data on your personality. Now here they’re going a step further. They’ll get much, much more to get your brain pathways et cetera, how you think as an individual and that will be added to this virtual world, this matrix they’re setting up you see. Even though this one here is using EEG technology, there’s another one coming out which is using ultrasonic type technology to go even further and try and record the pathways of your brain as well. That’s going into what they call engrams, engrams or pathways where your memories et cetera are stored. They want a virtual copy of you. That’s what’s coming and this is what all this is for. It’s nothing to do with amusing little Johnny. It’s about getting to know little Johnny better than he knows himself and to create a duplicate world, which one day most people will all be in without knowing it eventually.

It says here:

‘Emotive claims to have refined the technique to isolate and identify the electrical patterns that are given off when humans think about a given course of action, such as moving their arm to the left or right or depressing their right thumb or index finger. The Epoc helmet recognises these electrical patterns and translates them into ‘real’ movements on the screen.’

Now that was done about eight months ago if you remember that DARPA. DARPA is not there to help you. DARPA is a big part of the National Security Agency to do with Homeland Security and they gave a PR blurb out on the media when they said they’d put a chip in a paraplegic’s brainm that allowed him to send emails to people by simply thinking about it. So here you go. There’s no competition here. Everything is already done at the top and dished out to the ones down below.

It says: ‘…To look at, the helmet resembles nothing so much as a novelty head massage gadget with several spidery arms curving around the head and meeting at the top. The arms are fitted with a total of 16 sensors positioned so they are in contact with the relevant part of the head and pick up electric signals in the brain. The system’s software analyses these signals and then wirelessly relays what it detects to a receiver plugged into the USB port of the game console or PC. Emotive says it has mapped 12 specific actions that the helmet will recognize and can be reproduced in standard games.’

Now you know that back in the ’90’s, in ’95 I think it was, it was announced on all major media, it’s definitely here in Canada, that all communication devices, all communication devices, phones, faxes, computers, and so on had to be accessible at all times. To be made to be so by the manufacturers to be accessible at all times by the security agencies, your governmental security agencies, and there’s no firewall sold to the public or any other gadget that will stop them having access. They’re built that way with backdoors in them and you can bet, you can bet and take it to the bank, as long as they’re open, that they’re going to store all the data on a whole generation of children who are growing up and have their complete personality profile put into this matrix system they’ve already put up and built and have operating. They’ll know, as I say, little Johnny better than Johnny knows himself. Predictive programming indeed, because for total control in the world everyone must be completely predictable, ‘getting to know you’ indeed.

That’s the world we’re going into at a gallop, not by chance. Not because they want to entertain you. Not just for bucks at all. It’s to control a society to do with control. An ongoing never ending journey where man is the material, the base material that’s going to be remade, remade and perfected, perfected and used as the masters see fit. That’s what it’s all about. Long, long term agenda. It’s interesting that Huxley and others talked about this coming world and movies were made about it where they showed you the interfacing in Star Trek series too. They had the Borg there and from an adult’s points of view the Borg were horrific creatures, robotic creatures in a spaceship called the Hive. The hive, by the way, is being used in the military to talk about the general public. All public locations where people live, habitat areas, are called hives in the military now and they get documentation and in their army base as to where to go in the hive, general populations and libraries and so on. I’ll be back with more after the following messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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