The Bundy Family: Harry W. Bundy

“Harry W. Bundy was a Mason, a Satanist and the chief adept (9°) of the Colorado part of the SRICF. To clarify to the reader what this all means allow me to inform you about the structures Satan has built.

Pure Satanism, in order to function easier has set up some branches which are secret, but if the public hears about these branches, they have a veneer of respectability. Dr. Wynn Westcott, a famous Satanist and the Supreme Magus of S.R.I.A. wrote the rare book ‘History of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia IX.’ It was privately printed by these Masonic Rosicrucians on Dec. 30, 1900, and later received the Br. Museum Press Mark of 0475h54. Within this rare book the leader of the S.R.I.A. spells out the purpose of the organization to the Brotherhood:

‘The aim of the Society..searching out the secrets of Nature; to facilitate the study of the system of philosophy founded upon the Cabala and the doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus….’

Hermes Trismegistus (as many of you know) means ‘the trice greatest Hermes’ who was the Egyptian scribe god who is claimed to be the author of all magical writing. Hermes is credited for the grossly evil Satanic-witchcraft rituals that the ancient Egyptians and modern Satanism continue to practice. For an excellent expose of the connections between the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Masonic Rituals and modern Satanism, I suggest David Carrico’s book ‘The Masonic Egyptian Satanic Connection’ (obtainable from Followers of Jesus Christ, 5220 Ashley Dr., Evansville, IN 47711). As I was just writing, a number of branches of the Illuminati were created with the same pattern as the Bavarian Illuminati, and these branches sometimes refer to themselves as Illuminati – and rightly so since they are integral part of Satanism. One branch has been set up within Freemasonry called Societas Rosicruciana. They coil themselves Rosicruciana and Christians. How they attach the name of Christ to Satanism, is beyond my imagination. Perhaps the ‘Christ consciousness they seek justifies in their minds calling themselves ‘exclusively Christian’. Whatever they want to coil themselves they practice magic and Satanism.

A number of daughter organizations have sprung up from the S.R.I.A. such as the Golden Dawn, the Stella Matutina and the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO). The S.R.I.A. also worked closely with German Illuminism and the Theosophical Society. In England the Societas Rosicruciana (S.R.) is named S.R. in Anglia, in Scotland it is S.R. in Scotia, in Greece it is S.R. in Graecia, in Canada it is S.R. in Canada, and in the US it is S.R. in Civitatibus Foederatis. The membership is very exclusive. And my understanding that there are about a dozen US lodges called ‘colleges’ with about 40 members each, which lends me to guess they have an exclusive membership of about 500 in the United States. Membership in Societas Rosicruciana has included such notable Satanists such as A.L. Waite, Eliphas Levi, and Kenneth Mackenzie. It has included that Luciferian Albert Pike too. Within a nation the arena are divided up into provinces, each of which has a ‘college’ – their fancy word for a satanic lodge.

Two letters by the Supreme Magus of all the S.R. groups Win. Wynn Wescott are photocopied so that the reader can read for himself from the SRIA’s Supreme Magus (lending magician) that they are connected to the Illuminati. See for yourself! An interesting point in light of what I have printed in other newsletters, the Mass. college in 1393 printed a book by its Supreme Magus Gould (9°) which declares that the Grand Central San of the Universe is Alcyone in the Pliades. Shades of Alice Dailey, and C.T. Russell! One of the most knowledgeable people to try to expose the New World Order and the Satanic hierarchy behind it said, ‘It remains for the student to follow every line of enquiry to the point of concentration where nil threads are gathered and systematically manipulated for the eventual destruction of Christian civilisation. It may lend to the B’nai B’rith, the Universal Israelite Alliance, India or Tibet, but in any case a thorough and complete study of Rosicrucianism embracing a minute one of Rosicruciana in Anglia and its various branches will be a great step taken in the direction of uncovering much of the political and moral chaos of present day history of mankind’ p. 510.

Interesting that this expert would say this. The threads go back to 13 Top families, and wouldn’t you know, several of their people are lenders of the S.R.I.A. including Harry W. Bundy. The Bundy family has been a very powerful family in American history which has managed to keep itself out of the limelight. Often the members of the Bundy’s have had power by virtue of being advisors to those in powerful positions.

P.S. Congressman Reece, a real hero tried to go farther and expose the connections between Hiss, the Carnegie Endowment Found, the Morgan Bank, and the rest of the tax-exempt foundations. The Illuminati moved mightily against Reece.”


Almanac of Famous People, Census Records

National Cyclopaedia and American Biography, Sutton Antony

Order of Skull & Bones, Voorhis Harold (Supreme Magus IX°) Masonic Rosicrucian Societies

Harry W. Bundy (1919) Denver Lodge No. 5 A.F. & A.M.
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