On abortions, eugenics, the abortion pill, the ‘baby boomer problem’, baby levy and the ties with carbon taxes (1)

“Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix and just talking about the latest gimmick to penalize people who are having more than one child. We know that the United Nations said China would be the model state for the world, where they already do that. They drag off the mother and they have forced abortions if they know it is a second pregnancy because she’s being anti-social, you see, anti-social by stealing the food from other people. This is the gimmick they use there. There’s lots of gimmicks in use but it goes much, much further back because after World War II they hadn’t killed enough of the people of the world and the big foundations and the Royal Institute for International Affairs has so many branches specializing in everything to do with your food, transport, everything you can imagine. They plan the future and they work hand in glove with all the other institutes. They came out with the ‘baby boomer problem’ that would hit around the year 2000 and how there would be just too many people
because everyone that came back from the war, World War II, suddenly got married and just churned out children and they had a great old time. The problem would be they are just too many people down the road and then they would breed and that’s why they went into overdrive on finding ways to limit and slow and actually reduce population, the massive push for abortion; they founded the organizations that spearheaded this.

Margaret Sanger was one of the ones who was in support of Hitler and communism and every other totalitarian regime. She was the one who wanted mandatory abortions by the Eugenics Society and funded by all the big trusts and foundations, and that’s what you’ll find with all these movements. They go way, way back in time, way back in time. Killing people off in World War II wasn’t enough. They wanted new ways to kill off more and more people and actually introduce it into the culture. Make it a custom almost, like a habit, and sure enough, in the Soviet Union they didn’t bother giving the birth control pill there. They just gave them as many abortions as required and that’s almost the same way here now in the Western world.

This is News.com.au and it says: ‘Tax Babies to Save the Planet’. Where have we heard that before?

‘Couples who have more than two children should be charged a lifelong tax to offset their extra offspring’s carbon dioxide emissions, a medical expert…’

Alan: There it is: ‘expert says,’ a medical expert. I guess he breathes the same as us, or maybe not as much.

‘The report in an Australian medical journal called for parents to be charged $5000 a head for every child after their second, and an annual tax of up to $800. And couples who were sterilised would be eligible for carbon credits…’

Carbon credits. ‘under the controversial proposal. Perth specialist Professor Barry Walters…’

Now people should check him out. He will be a member of the Royal Australian Institute for International Affairs. That’s their branch and he’s been told to say this and bring it to the public attention. It says:

‘…was heavily critical of the $4000 baby bonus, saying that paying new parents extra for every baby fuelled more children, more emissions and ‘greenhouse-unfriendly behaviour’. Instead, it should be replaced with a ‘baby levy’…”

I like ‘levy,’ how they’re going to levy taxes. It comes from Levi, to lift up. They were the ones who carried the ark, the big joke, you know the ark, the big secret; and so everything is Levied. It’s levied up.

‘…in the form of a carbon tax in line with the ‘polluter pays’ principle, he wrote in the latest Medical Journal of Australia. ‘Every family choosing to have more than a defined number of children should be charged a carbon tax that would fund the planting of enough trees to offset the carbon cost generated by a new human being,’ said Prof Walters, an obstetrician at King Edward Memorial Hospital.’

Now you know what his main job is, don’t you? It won’t be to bring people into the world, at least breathing.

‘Sustainable Population Australia suggested a maximum of two, he said.’

Well so what, so what. I mean don’t we all have a say in this? We’re so used to having groups talk for us. People just sit back quietly now and they shut up and that’s the problem. That’s the problem. We’ve all been trained like a big herd that these other groups with fancy names will do all the talking for you, until you just go down to sleep and you play like a child your whole life. It goes on to say:

‘By the same reasoning, contraceptives like diaphragms and condoms, as well as sterilisation procedures, should attract carbon credits…

So if you have abortions and all the rest of it or get sterilized, they’ll give you carbon credits. Now I said that a few years ago, that one day the children, through school training and massive indoctrination of falsity, will volunteer to save Mother Earth by being sterilized and they’ll get little credits and little gold stars for doing it. Well, here it is right there you see, because this is an old, old agenda and I’ve been watching it for donkey’s years. It goes on to say:

‘As doctors, I believe we need to think this way,’ he wrote in a letter to the journal. ‘As Australians I believe we need to be less arrogant.’

Oh, really? Listen to this big cheese talking, ‘less arrogant.’ Now here’s the big kicker. He’s giving you a clue who he is here.

‘As citizens of the world…‘ Now that’s the World Citizen Association from the Rockefeller Institute. That’s what gets handed out there, World Citizenship awards, and most of the bigwigs at the United Nations have been given that from the Rockefeller Foundation. He’s telling you he’s a member of the CFR, the Royal Institute for International Affairs.

He says: ‘I believe we deserve no more population concessions than those in India or China.’ The guy is also racist.

Garry Eggers, director of the NSW Centre for Health Promotion and Research, agreed with the call, saying former treasurer Peter Costello’s request for three children per family – ‘one for mum, one for dad and one for the country’ – was too single-minded. ‘Population remains crucial to all environmental considerations,’ wrote Professor Eggers, a leading advocate of the personal carbon trading debate.’

This guy is getting paid off. He’s probably got a grant from the United Nations as well.

‘The debate (around population control) needs to be reopened as part of a second ecological revolution…’

We should be very careful and remember the Club of Rome were the first ones to publish a book called ‘The First Global Revolution’ to do with using the environment. It says there right in it that they were dreaming about different things to unite the planet to get the public to do what they were told basically and help to reduce the population et cetera and that’s all in there too, ‘The First Global Revolution’.

This one here says: ‘…part of a second ecological revolution.’

Second. So the introduction of the pill, all the so-called services they now want to make mandatory, that’s what they’re talking about here and sterilization mandatory. That also includes a eugenicist list of people who should be allowed not to be sterilized, meaning the superior types, you see, and those who have less purpose for society in general — they can’t serve society, they should be sterilized. This is all following on the tail of this. I guarantee it. You’ll hear about it shortly.

‘…Family groups rejected the calls, saying larger families used less energy than smaller ones and should not be penalised.’

See, here’s your groups. You always have the ones pro and con. They always give you two sides.

‘_..Family groups…’ You’ve got Family groups, capital F. It means professional Family groups associations. ‘…reject the calls, saying larger families used less energy…’

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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