In one of her running commentaries Daphne Caruana Galizia had warned us about Chatham House:
What is Chatham House? It is a major “non-profit organisation” in London where important world leaders meet to discuss global issues. Winners of the Chatham House price include Hilary Clinton Melinda Gates the wife of Bill Gates and John Kerry.
Chatham House is similar to the World Economic Forum when it comes to funds. The institute “receives income in the form of membership subscriptions from its approximately 3000+ individual members and 300+ corporate members comprising private companies governmental departments embassies and high commissions universities and academic institutions media organizations and NGOs.”
They also like to do these discussions on a panel which sometimes has a blue background:
As a rule “when a meeting or part thereof is held under the Chatham House Rule participants are free to use the information received but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor that of any other participant may be revealed.” Disciplinary actions are taken against anyone who breaks this rule.
Many worldwide leaders have met and made speeches in Chatham House like President Joe Biden of the one for all for the LGBTIQA+ agenda which is trying to win the battle for the soul of America:
In two future pieces I will give you two interesting speeches that were given at Chatham House which is that of the 22nd of January 2019 by the virologist and flu commissioner for Belgium Dr Marc van Ranst on how they prepared and shaped the public opinion to swallow the H1N1 epidemic via the mainstream media and the speech of Zbigniew Brzezinski Barack Obama’s Top Foreign Policy Advisor given on 17th November 2008 on how it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control them.Xi dwejjaq ta’ politikanti!