Keith Schembri should stop acting the victim mentality as the typical of a crook who is all the time arraigned in court to plead that he is not a crook!

In psychology, we learn that a manipulative individual can pose as a victim in order to achieve their goals. When someone opens up honestly, they want to be understood. When someone plays the victim, they deliberately try to control other people by demanding attention, to justify their abuse, to manipulate others, as a coping strategy, to make others feel guilty and avoiding responsibility.

In psychology, this is called victim playing, victim card, or self-victimization, which is the exaggeration of victimhood for the reasons mentioned above. Exaggerated victimhood is a common feature of narcissistic grandiosity, in which narcissists, lacking empathy, play the victim to elicit sympathy and avoid responsibility for their behaviour.

Former OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri is a perfect example of the above. This victim mentality is examined across all situations in which his name has become a common factor, even when the evidence suggests otherwise. Among the long list of corrupt deals and financial crimes in which his name has come up, we find the Steward Vitals Healthcare scandal and the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia.

I remind the readers that as in another piece published on 18th May of last year, ‘Keith Schembri was named in court by Vince Muscat il-Koħħu as allegedly involved in the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder.

When he was contacted through his lawyers Keith Schembri dismissed and vehemently denied the claim. This is what the Times reported: ‘It’s utter lies and complete fiction ’he said when contacted through his lawyers yesterday. ‘What Muscat said about me in court is the figment of his very fertile imagination. It is total and outright rubbish.’

Now we have the recent story of the ex-Vitals Global Healthcare director Ram Tumuluri seeking whistleblower protection in the U.S. since he is ‘claiming that he was pushed out of the hospitals’ contract after being made to fear for his life.

It is interesting to read in the Times what Keith Schembri said about such claims by Tumuluri:

‘It appears that he has a vivid imagination and is attempting to associate this case with the tragic murder of Mrs Caruana Galizia which is absolutely horrendous’ Schembri said. Schembri said it is essential to separate ‘fact from fiction‘ and refrain from spreading ‘sensationalised narratives’ that only serve to mislead the public.”

Now yesterday we read that for the first time, Schembri, along Konrad Mizzi, “have reacted since the charges were filed against a number of individuals and companies variously connected to the deal.” They claimed “that the Attorney General and the Police Commissioner were refusing to hand them ‘important documents’ from the Vitals inquiry, thus breaching their rights as suspects to full disclosure and a fair trial.”

They “made the claims in two judicial protests against the Attorney General and the Police Commissioner” saying “that they were notified about the criminal charges against them upon the conclusions of the years-long magisterial inquiry into the Vitals hospitals concession.”

With the typical victim mentality, Schembri said that no one spoke to him before charges were pressed. I will not comment into each theatre we are witnessing lately. It is better to sit back and watch each circus unfolding and play out before us, including that of the Repubblichini. However, clearly, Schembri is now not in a situation where the police covered him up when they did not search for his ‘lost’ phone when he said he lost it, a ‘lost phone’ which had been last turned on close to his own home, just 30 minutes before the police arrived to take him into custody. This ‘lost’ mobile was not further investigated by lead investigator and prosecutor Keith Arnaud, ‘a close friend of Keith Schembri.’

It is clear that now Schembri is not in a position, as described by the Degiorgios, where “instructions were given and actions were taken,” so that investigations are not done properly. This site had asked if Schembri was informed apriori of his arrest.

Schembri now is not happy that no one spoke to him before charges were pressed in the latest VGH inquiry.

Let us hope that we don’t have another case in which the truth is side-tracked by Lady Justice in the building with the stairs with the usual U-turns in another case which is already prejudiced, like that of the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Let us hope that we don’t have our Floriana and Valletta institutions in collusion with the circle to side-track the truth to obstruct and miscarry justice in every way.

While fundamental rights should always be safeguarded, it is time for Lady Justice to wear the blindfold and bring justice to this nation because, in all this yet another circus, it is the citizens and the whole nation who are the true victims, but who no one is defending while each and every one mentioned in the VGH deal is trying to cover his arse.

The ex-OPM chief of staff should be a little bit more creative and stop coming up with excuses and playing the victim each time his name comes up in criminal cases because abusing one’s political position to expand one’s empire at the detriment of a nation is typical of a crook who is all the time arraigned in court to plead that he is not a crook!

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