How Times of Malta gave you a half-baked story of what MEP candidate Terrence Portelli truly told them (part one)

Yesterday this site published an article about how Times of Malta targeted Terrence Portelli, the anti-globalist contestant for the MEP elections. If you want proof that the press destroys information and twists the facts and words given, so to modify your thoughts, behaviours and decisions, I will be giving you in two pieces (due to the length of information), the answers that Terrence Portelli passed on to Times of Malta and contrast them with what TOM’s article stated. Please note that I have screenshots and audio clips of the full conversation.

Times of Malta journalist: “Hi. This is Daniel from Times of Malta. I’m seeing the post you published on FB. Who are you referring to when mentioning traitors?

Terrence Portelli: “Good morning Daniel. I hope you are well. I understand the concept. Read: ‘The Circulation of Elitist’ by Vilfred Pareto. You will understand me better. I am talking about the ruling class elitists (leeches) and their puppets politicians (that enforce the former’s demands).

(And we will do the dying and suffering for their interests.) I am talking about handing over the entire politicians that want to drag us to war just to do their masters bidding to appease their long-term agenda. If you read that book at least, you will understand many past events and their why’s. You will understand why they own the national security realm of banking and finance, who owns and controls the international bodies; why you are screwed with fiat currency and not granted real money; who owns and controls mainstream media; who owns and controls the western national security realm of our academia, the war industry, etc, etc.

If you read that book and you want to sit down and discuss the western elitist’s curse since 1815 further, welcome. It will also give you the answer why they do not want to kill the environment that allows corruption and money laundering to take place.”

Times of Malta journalist: “By politicians are you referring to the Prime Minister for example? Or opposition leader?”

Terrence Portelli: “You know very well that both sides are compromised, including at the European level. (There’s an online document that they share about who are these pets.) These pets influence the decision making that effects of our everyday life. (Dw, you will realise who they are from their series of mistakes…They don’t hide it btw. Trace the money and you will see who’s behind certain decisions.)

Why do you think real democracy doesn’t exist and why they fear direct democracy?!

Also, don’t view the micro pets. View the macro. That makes the entire difference. Coming. Driving.”

Times of Malta journalist: “Pets?”

Terrence Portelli: “Give me 5 mins. I’ll explain better. So, Daniel, I’m very sorry that I’m sending you a voice message but I think it is better to send a voice message. First of all you need to understand that I’m coming from a philosophy of politics and economics – the political economy. So, when we’re debating each other it is completely different how every journalist understands interpretations. By pet, it is another word for puppet. Especially in the libertarian camp, we use both words a lot, whether they are for the State, whether they are for the Federal Reserve, whether they are for the European Central Bank, whether they are for the International Financial Institutions. Whichever. Politicians, whatever you know. So it’s an interchangeable word that we generally use, let’s put it that way. In particular, in the Czech Republic, that’s how we used to address them. I don’t know in Malta. Even in the UK, I’ve realised that even they use similar thoughts. So, you have to understand Daniel, I don’t even care about local politics because it is a joke really and truly. Not even our Prime Minister and the opposition leader are basically independent, let’s say that. They are part of a long-term agenda. I don’t care about them because I like to deal with the source, not with the politician that if you overthrow them, his party is still the same shit. So, understand this Daniel. I am not after neither Robert nor Bernard. I’m after their bosses, basically. Metsola – the same shit. I’m after her boss, not her herself. So, understand this if you know what I’m telling you. Now, try not to keep on viewing this as the Prime Minister and the opposition leader because that’s just the game of the liberal democracy. They are just puppets, really and truly. They want you to remain distracted on them, giving them attention to them, so they distract you from who actually is running the god damned shit show. Do you know what I mean?”

If we read the first part of TOM’s article, you will realise that the journalist gave you a half-baked story, with plot twists of what Portelli said. Wouldn’t it have been better for the journalist to write that he has reached Portelli and report by citing his exact words and then let the people decide what to think of his statements? This is what the journalist wrote:

“A fringe MEP candidate has implied that those who disagree with his views should be massacred. 

‘We will round you up you * traitors and we will hand you over to your enemy without the slightest doubts,” Terrence Portelli wrote on Facebook, adding that it would be “the greatest mass act of Arminius in human history. Not even French Revolution will come close!” 

Arminius was a Germanic chieftain famous in history for having wiped out three Roman legions, in one of that empire’s biggest-ever military defeats. The French Revolution is notorious for its years-long reign of terror, when thousands were publicly executed in the streets of Paris.”

Did you read anywhere that Portelli has said that we should massacre those who disagree with him? What Portelli told the journalist was that if we go to war, our society is not remotely prepared and it will be a massacre. He said that we will be doing for a nation that is no longer ours, a society that does not represent us, and an identity that is not ours. So if the politicians want war, we will hand them over for peace if needs be and not drag us down in their irresponsible decisions. After all, we will be doing the dying and the suffering, not them.

He also mentioned to trace the money to find the elitists and he suggested the journalist to read the book by Vilfred Pareto ‘The circulation of Elitist’ so that hopefully, a Times of Malta journalist, can get some education and in turn, educate the public.

But no! The journalist just referred to the ruling class as ‘leeches’. Can Daniel, the Times of Malta journalist show us who they are or is Times of Malta so compromised, that it has lost all credibility and education whatsoever?

U għall-ġieħna, dal-ġurnalisti jitħallsu biex suppost jedukaw u jagħtu l-informazzjoni kollha u l-verita’ lin-nies. Ħalluna bi kwietna!

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