How a cunning politician will burn his own nation to rule over the ashes – the resignation of Chris Fearne

Yesterday we read the news that Chris Fearne has resigned. In a letter he wrote to Prime Minister Robert Abela, he stated that “This is likely to take a long time, and I cannot keep waiting. The country and its institutions deserve better.”

How nefarious, narcissistic, arrogant, manipulative and hypocritical.

Firstly, this shows the rift he always had with Robert Abela and how pissed off he was when PL members chose Robert Abela over him as new leader of the Labour party. We praise the Lord and sing hallelujah! Robert Abela was then appointed as new Prime Minister by President George Vella, while he wasn’t, as the ‘hunger-for-power and positions’ politician that he is.

Secondly, Dr Joseph Muscat, who resigned from the post of Prime Minister the following day, was not at ease that Fearne would become Prime Minister – maybe because he knew of the rift between Abela and Fearne or maybe because, with Fearne as also the deputy minister during his time, Muscat knew what side of the bread Fearne would butter on in order to reach his personal interests. These are definitely not in the interest of the party and that of the nation.

He “also withdrew his nomination as Malta’s nominee to the next EU Commission.” Is it to save himself the humiliation of having Robert Abela nominating someone else and so, to safeguard his ego-centricity, he preceded Abela in the decision? After all, this site received information that Abela was considering another candidate.

What Fearne did is just a way to save himself from shame and humiliation.

What Fearne did is just a way to gain sympathy from the people while distracting them from the fact that AstraZeneca has admitted in court that its vaccine causes thrombosis.

What Fearne did is just a way to make the nation believe that he is the victim and underdog so that he is regarded as the saviour of the party, as another typical manipulative tactic of the usual narcissists. Truly, he is trying to save his arse, after not only his name often showed up in corrupt, administrative deals, including the VGH, but also after following orders of the corrupt WHO and other corrupt institutions to sell people the AstraZeneca vaccine, among others, which has maimed them or killed them. And yet we will hold all politicians who advocated for these vaccines, responsible. And yet we will hold all politicians who coerced people to take these vaccines, responsible. They will have to answer in front of the nations and in front of the Almighty God.

Besides boasting that under his watch 1,300,000 doses of the experimental Covid-19 vaccines were administered, he also coerced you to take them:

Besides, he also endorsed the deadly COVID-19 protocol which included the use of the ventilator on patients who can breathe by themselves which you don’t have to be an expert to understand that it is wrong.

Besides, he also endorsed the deadly COVID-19 protocol which included the use of remdesivir pumped intravenously into ventilated patients which is known in the medical field to cause kidney failure! All this brought my healthy father on the brink of death in a matter of three weeks, while I punched on the dividing glass wall crying and shouting to dad to wake up when I was told to go and tell him the last goodbye after meeting the ITU ‘expert’ team because he was going to die in 24 hours. And while I did, I witnessed all the other martyrs being led to their deaths alone without their loved ones holding their hands, while they were crucified on Mater Dei beds in ITU 6.

Fearne said that this decision he took to resign is ‘the right thing to do.’ For us it is, so that we are finally free from his sugar-coated bullshit, or we hope; while for him it is the right thing to do so that he can save his arse while he can still keep it safely and warm on the seat of the Wizard and Sorcery Council each time they gather to discuss how to ruin our health while committing more genocides on nations because the politicians are selling the sovereignty of the same nations without the will of the people to the same Wizard and Sorcery Council of the World Health Hell Homicide Organization.

“Representing Malta as a minister was the ‘biggest honour of my life,’ he wrote.” It wasn’t ours and it isn’t of the vaccine-injured and of those who are dying suddenly. Unfortunately, he will still serve as backbench MP, representing the third district.

Unfortunately, “he did not rule out a return to top political office in the future, saying that he would consider a return if his good name was rapidly cleared ‘and my country calls on me to serve again’.  We need to keep on praying while singing loads of hallelujahs!

‘To serve’? Excuse me, when did he serve? He is admitting in his own statement that he would not rule out “a return to top political office,” meaning, that he just want to serve his interests and he is ready to do anything required in order to reach such top political offices. Show me a man that gets high positions in the WHO by pushing agendas as a politician and I will show you Chris Fearne. Show me a politician that never denied becoming a millionaire by pushing agendas, and I will show you Chris Fearne.

Truly, Fearne doesn’t care less because he holds a position in the WHO and this decision of his shows that he was ready to leave the labour government drowning while he sits his arse warmly and safely on the seat of the corrupt WHO while being paid a huge salary of course. There, he is another undemocratically elected member and is not under the Maltese nation’s scrutiny. Kif jgħid il-Malti, ħobżu maħbus u żejtu fil-kus! U ħa jagħmel bħal Neruni – jitlaq u jħalli lil Ruma tinħaraq.

This is how a cunning politician will burn his own nation to rule over the ashes.

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