Emanuel Cuschieri, the PL’s Chief General, should start showing solidarity with the Maltese nation

It was Emanuel Cuschieri, the propaganda mouthpiece for Joseph Muscat and the PL’s Chief General, to entice the crowd to gather near the court to support the same Muscat. I can assure you that many genuine labourites are of the same thought: that this was not a good move by Cuschieri and they didn’t like it. This is what I was told.

It is a country which is going crazier and berserk by the minute. Joseph Muscat is not above the law and is a normal citizen being arraigned in court. He is presumed innocent until proven otherwise. And yet, here comes Cuschieri to entice the crowd to show solidarity with Muscat, ‘because he took care of us with facts’ – in reality, he destroyed the working and middle-class while enriching the business elite and all the lackeys with his liberalism, multiculturalism, and pro-business mentality which is not recommended due to its disadvantages:

I remind the honest citizens that while the pro-business enriched themselves more, you got a COLA allowance of €3.49 in 2014; €0.58 in 2015; €1.75 in 2016, 2017 and 2018; €2.33 in 2019 and €3.49 in 2020 and life in Malta became worse and degenerated so fast. And yet it was all about the booming economy in a country where we are getting more and more laws and regulations and less freedoms, which does sound odd considering that these politicians go round promoting democracy.

Let us understand that Muscat found a disaster after twenty-five years of administration of the hypocritical, globalist GonziPN which truly embarked on a binge and paved the way for the Globalist agenda while not giving a hoot about the outcome as long as the cauldron blows up while they got the kick by injecting inflation in your veins so to satiate their addiction to economics.

But are you better now thanks to Muscat’s governance? Tap on your sanity and you will get the answer.

I would like to ask Cuschieri and Muscat what must the honest citizens do then? What must the citizens of good faith do? A revolution? A coup d’etat? No individual is greater than the political party, than Malta and the law itself. Let us hope that justice will hopefully reign while the crowd unite in solidarity with the Maltese honest citizens because it is the citizens who were defrauded. Muscat was too naive to govern with no balance of power which supposedly exists in a democracy and such harm is now lingering beyond his loss of power.

But unfortunately the crowd is uniting to hail the former ruler whom the same crowd perceives as its saviour and God’s gift to maltakind. The only way this country will ever cleanse itself is either by prohibiting the simple-minded people with simple-minded thoughts from voting or literally waiting for an entire generation to perish, because there is no hope convincing these people of their innate power and the true values when their one and only value is literally treating the people that govern them as gods. If anything, politicians should be treating the public as ‘gods,’ not the other way round.

These are the stupid priorities which are defining the future of this nation.

There is no hope convincing these people that the perfect government is God’s government through divine order.

There is no hope in changing the brainwashed mindset adjustment of these people.

Either way it goes, the damage has been done and we continue to have a worsened divided country and the true losers here are the honest citizens.

The majority of the Maltese people have rejected logic and abandoned reason in exchange for the programs and illusions of those who seek to control them. They have shattered their trust of themselves and for many it will be a long and painful road back to rationality and integrity.

Carry on like this, masses, while you bleed Malta to death which is something that the PN establishment is aiming for.

No ethnographic study will explain why this nation behaves in such an unusual way, oppressed by ignorance where it lives and dies without knowing that in the world there is a missed knowledge which is so beautiful to feel that it would give it a new life it never lived.

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