Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel on the New World Order

Archbishop Vigano was one of the few Catholic archbishops who spoke on the New World Order, describing it as satanic. You can read more about this here.

Here is what Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, had to say from the 38:20 until the 43 mark. This excellent speech of the bishop will be published in its entirety in another piece.

“But I say this vaccination, the way it has been implemented, it is the beginning of the mark of the beast in Revelation 13. It is the beginning. And let me say one thing. The mark of the beast is not just an injection. It is not just that. The mark of the beast is a governmental system. It is a pyramid but that pyramid instead of the head pointing upward, the head is pointing down because this pyramid, the head of it is pointing down, they are saying we worship Satan, not God. This pyramid worships Satan, not God. So it is the beginning to this New World Order, new government system, where everyone on a global level comes under this system, where you cannot buy, you cannot sell, you cannot go, you cannot come, unless you are one of us.

Very soon they will get rid of the currency, the paper money. Everything is going to be electronic. Everything is going to be a chip. Everything is going to be a bitcoin.

I hold everyone responsible for every child that has shed tears, for everyone that has died because of this vaccination; for everyone that has been mistreated and there should have been an alternate treatment where people should have been saved and we see doctors speak on a global level – they say, if governments had allowed, and even the World Health Organization and I say to the CEO of the World Health Organization, you need to resign immediately because it looks like you’ve killed your conscience, or you have been bought with money. Was it Bill Gates’ money, my dear friend? How much did Bill Gates’ fund this World Health Organization, and the abbreviation is WHO. Well exactly who are they? I just want to know who.

In 2020 alone, Bill Gates gave the World Health Organization $350 million. He started with a $100 million. And then President Trump, yes President Trump, not this one, not Joe Biden and Camilla Harris, President Trump cut the funding to the WHO in 2020 because he realised they were doing something sinister. So he cut the funding. The genius Bill Gates came up with another $250 million. He said since America has cut their fundings, don’t worry World Health Organization. I’ll compensate you for it. So who do you think the World Health Organization is going to listen to? Whoever is going to give them the biggest portion of money. That’s why he has been frantically pushing for the Pfizer vaccine. The genius Bill Gates – Pfizer.

If you do not repent, my dear friend, and we know that you are a Freemason and we know that the Rothschild is behind you, and all the other families, if you all do not repent, the wrath of God, the wrath of the Almighty God shall come with no reservation on you.”

You can watch here.

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