How Malta is joining forces with China, the evidence that a totalitarian regime can coexist with an economic superpower and that democracy is no longer necessary

In this totalitarian regime that they are constructing for us, China is and will continue to be the ‘bad guy’. China is evidence that a totalitarian regime can coexist peacefully with an economic superpower and that democracy is no longer necessary.

They wish to have a thriving economy from a totalitarian dictatorship. Don’t you think it’s strange that your politicians continue to campaign for democracy when we are seeing an increase in rules, regulations, and restrictions on our freedoms?

One of the issues we face is that democracy has never had a consistent meaning throughout history, and this is done on purpose to allow it to be distorted in ways that the general public will never be aware of as they are progressively drawn to support the ruling class and its directives.

I recommend everyone to peruse a whole back and current issues of Foreign Affairs devoted to China’s ascent, whereby we are informed that democratic nations would inevitably lead to economic stability and liberty – which is another lie told. Here are examples:

And where is Malta in all this? Our politicians are making sure to join forces with this upcoming totalitarian regime and do businesses with China:

And I remind you that Malta’s energy company Enemalta, is a Maltese and Chinese state-owned company, and that the €90 million project of the Mozura wind-farm in Montenegro was carried out by the same Enemalta in partnership with the the Chinese giant, Shanghai Electric Power, in yet another criminal and corrupt deal.

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