Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains the Book of Revelation verses 4 to 8 – Jesus Christ, the ruler over the kings of the earth

‘The firstborn from the dead.’ Why does the Holy Bible call Him the firstborn from the dead? Because simply in the entire human race, from the very beginning Adam, to the last human that comes to the face of this planet, there was no human who ever died and rose from the dead on their own except Jesus of Nazareth. So that’s why He is the firstborn from the dead. He is the only one who died and rose from the dead by Himself. His grave, His tomb, is empty. He is the only firstborn from the dead.

‘And the ruler over the kings of the earth.’ This is the only place in the entire new testament that tells you that Jesus Christ is the ruler over all the kings of the earth. So, who rules over Scott Morrison? Jesus Christ. Who rules over Joe Biden? Jesus Christ. Who rules over all the kings? Queen Elizabeth? Jesus Christ. When you look at the world, you say these rulers are doing whatever they want. The world is in chaos. The world is in turmoil. They are destroying people. Where is Jesus Christ in the midst of all this? How come he’s not stopping them? A few guys say, a few Christians claim that your Holy Bible says that Jesus Christ is the ruler over all the kings of the earth, then where is he? How come he is not doing something about it? I’m telling you, we will never be able to understand, to fathom the wisdom of Jesus Christ. He knows what He’s doing.

What we need to do, in turn, to trust everything He does and everything He says because He is the only one that knows what is good for everyone. But He is the ruler. Who brought Saddam Hussein to Iraq? Jesus Christ. The President in China. Who brought him? Jesus Christ. But He can say ‘I can do whatever I want.’ Any king can say ‘We can do whatever we want and we can get away with murder. But that’s only what their intellect will them. The truth will always remain the truth. Jesus is the ruler of every king and every leader, no matter who they are or what they are, regardless if they are Christians or not, regardless if they are believers or not, Jesus is the one who appoints them, Jesus is the one who removes them at His appointed time.

But you see the problem is that we look and we judge things with our own intellect. That’s why we can never fathom how Jesus is ruling when the world is in turmoil. But have faith in the Lord and trust in His infinite wisdom. He knows what He is doing, my beloveds. He knows what He’s doing.

When someone comes and rules a nation, and that someone is very harsh to the citizens of that nation, rest assured, that there is wisdom in here. Maybe the Lord Jesus is trying to tell those people in that nation ‘You guys have denied me. You guys have walked away from me. You guys are not listening to me. I’m telling you, don’t go downtown and you keep on going. I’m telling you, don’t go clubbing and you keep on going. I’m telling you, don’t dress up in this indecent way and you’re still doing it. I’m telling you, don’t take drugs and you’re still doing it. I’m telling you, don’t go after guys and after girls and you’re still doing it.’ So what do you expect from this just judge to do? He will come and discipline you. He will put a leader that will give you a hard time for you to realize your errors and mistakes, and come back and repent, before it’s too late. That’s what Jesus is doing, my beloveds.

That’s what the Lord is doing. We need to pay attention. We need to pay attention.”

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