What is ‘The Great Work’?

Alan Watt: “We’ve got Laurie from New York there. Are you there, Laurie?

Laurie: Yes. Hi, Alan. How are you?

Alan: Not so bad.

Laurie: Thank you for taking my call. I’ve been listening to you pretty regularly for about four months now and I’ve learned so much. Thank you so much.

Alan: It’s a pleasure.

Laurie: I have a question. Can you just hear me out a little bit? You’ve talked about how we live in a — I guess you use the term “pathocracy.” You were using it for — okay and basically what it comes down to is like you say the elite are psychopaths. They have no feelings for anyone but
themselves, right? And they would even turn — I’ve heard you say that they would even turn against their own children. They don’t care for anyone, right?

Alan: They have a hard time. People who have purpose for them, people they can use or live through, I mean psychopaths do one thing all down through the ages and that’s they ensure they have children, mainly the sons as offspring, and they live their lives through them. That’s who takes over from them. They’re proud of that.

Laurie: I’ve also heard you say that you don’t need to look at the supernatural to understand these guys. They’re in it for the power. Like you wouldn’t go to a David Icke or someone like that and talk about reptilians and this and the other, because these guys the ones that are into eugenics and all this; they’ve been planning this. They know it’s not going to be an easy deal; it could take 200 or 300 years. Do I understand you correctly when you talk like that? That in other words they’re not expecting to see this in their lifetime?

Alan: That’s correct, each part, each person. George Bush, Jr. there I’m sure was coached for a good part of his life for his present role, so he does have a certain part to fulfill and he’ll go down and get a few statues made and a few libraries named after him, but he knows too that their family offspring will take over.

Laurie: Right. But what I don’t understand is if they don’t care for others and they’re so cold down to the core and they know they’re not going to see the so-called rotten fruits of their efforts, they must believe in something beyond this. Some evil master, somebody that’s going to give them a reward, or else why would they do it? Why are they setting it up for 200 or 300 years? If you look at freemasonry or any of these illuminati type things, why would they do it if they don’t care for the person next to them, their children, just so — in other words, do you know what I’m saying? I’m saying if you don’t factor in the supernatural that they think there is something beyond this that they’re going to get a reward from, like if you want to say the devil or Satan or whatever?

Alan: What they do know and what they’re working towards and have been for quite some time and they do have this, by the way. David Suzuki announced it on national television in Canada a few years ago. They have good life extension for those who serve this ‘great work,’ but their goal of course is to eventually make themselves physically immortal.

Laurie: That’s the only thing I could think of.

Alan: It’s an odd thing because in ancient times they used to talk about fixing spirit and matter within matter. Hold on and I’ll talk about this after I come back.

Laurie: Okay Alan, thank you.

Alan: Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix, and we’re talking to Laurie from New York about this odd phenomenon. It’s not really so odd when you look down through history and going back even to the pharaohs and before the pharaohs. The pharaohs had themselves mummified trying to preserve their physical body and they did have ceremonies, sometimes when the son was away, as he often was, because sons were farmed out. They were put out to other relatives who were lords over satrapies of Egypt, exactly the same as the Normans did. They put their sons as basically an apprentice to a knight and he’d be a page to a knight and eventually he’d become the knight himself. The Egyptians did the same thing. When their sons were away, sometimes the pharaoh died and the son didn’t get back in time, but they’d put the son next to the pharaoh and go through this process of supposedly bringing the spirit of the pharaoh into the son so all knowledge was then passed on to the son. They even had an idol where they could put the spirit and hold it for a little while. At least that’s what they told the public and so they were obsessed with eternal life in the physical world.

Now you’ve got to realize that even as far back as those days the elite lived a life of incredible luxury, incredible luxury even by today’s standards and lots of partying and all the rest of it and they lived of course on slaves. The majority of the public were slaves, with a small trading class that came and went and that was what they did. Now if you jump into even older records of the whole idea of evil. Now it’s so easy to believe in a devil because when we look around the world and what’s happening, especially when you understand how this world has been run over thousands of years, you can see lots and lots of incredible evil, even when it’s been printed up and sanitized by authorized authors and historians; there’s still an awful lot of hell there. In fact, that’s why they call it hell in the north, the Nordic language, hell is the earth, this place here; and so it’s easy to believe in utter evil or a force of utter evil. Of course, even talked about in demonology of ancient times — what was hell to a demon was the absence of the physical world. That was hell to a demon. They had no senses of touch, taste, anything or any sensual understandings, because it’s like if you were a mind with no attachments just stuck in space somewhere you’d be awfully bored for thousands of years, so they used to say that hell to a demon or a pure evil entity was absence of the physical world. It is odd to see that down through the ages these religions try to preserve the bodies of the very important people that ran their system and these guys were bloodthirsty and utterly cruel to keep their power. They had mass executions and so on.

Laurie: So to sum it up — I don’t want to monopolize anymore time. Thank you for taking so much time with me, but you would say that it would have to be that they’re going for immortality? Because I can’t understand why else they would do it, if you don’t factor in this idea of an after world where there’s a devil that’s going to say here you’re rewarded for all the stuff you’ve done, then it would have to be — do you think that the science — I mean I know we don’t hear really how advanced things are, but do you think they don’t have it yet, right?

Alan: They have it.

Laurie: They do?

Alan: They can give it to certain ones and David Suzuki who is a geneticist

Laurie: I know. I’m going to look him — I’ve heard of him of course, but I’m going — does he have a book? Maybe I’ll just look him up online and see if I could read some articles.

Alan: Remember, he works for the United Nations and the World Wildlife Fund, but he said on national television in Canada at the end of one of his shows that they have — they now have. They have it now the ability to extend a person’s life to 500 years if they wish to.

Laurie: Oh boy. Okay. Thank you. That clears up a lot for me and now I’ll have a lot more to research. Alan, thank you again for everything, okay?

Alan: It’s a pleasure.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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