We’re the test rats for everything and this is a war on the entire world in a multifarious, interwoven program

Alan Watt: “We had the big fiasco back even in the ’60’s I think and then in the ’70’s with the war ships in the San Francisco Bay Harbor releasing gases that blew in across the Bay onto the inhabited areas and people were coming down with all kinds of respiratory problems. And here they have you worried about the guys over there like the Russians or Chinese or people who are different you see. However, we are the rats. We’re the test rats for everything and this is a war on the world.

It’s not a war against certain nations. They’ll have to buckle under and adapt to the same system, but this is a war on the entire world. This whole program and it’s a multifarious program interwoven, including depopulation because your body can only withstand so much toxic substances before it breaks down and it can’t cope anymore. I’d love to have the statistics coming from the guys who have all this information, the federal governments, on the people who’ve died already through bronchial problems and pneumonias and you’ll find no doubt it will be mainly in the young and the very, very old but it’s also spreading into other age groups now.

Ask any pharmacist what their main products are for sale and it’s the massive aisle now that contains all the bronchial pills, bronchial dilators, antihistamines et cetera. These are the biggest sellers because of all this spraying. It’s interesting, too, in that television report is the man if you
see it, the man holds up the jar with this yellow substance in the bottom. That’s exactly what I showed on my own little video on my site if you look into it about a couple of years ago when they sprayed here in the spring and everything turned yellow. The puddles were yellow and I’ve got samples still here yet with that stuff in it, and it does certainly contain these particular substances and others, too, which it did not mention on that television show.

Yes, we’re being poisoned, folks, and that’s just it. That’s just the way it is and there’s not a government going to come out and admit that. Anyone who’s tried to get the government to explain anything they’re simply told that they’re not doing it and it’s not them that’s doing that. That’s what they said in Canada, “It’s not our boys that are doing it,” which meant it was someone else’s boys and that’s why they signed the Open Skies Treaty to allow foreign pilots to fly across Canadian air space. These are military vehicles and they’re bomber types. They’re very big vehicles. They generally spray about 30,000 feet but at night they come lower too and they also spray over clouds as well so that the clouds have mixtures of this stuff. When it rains it comes down and in bad situations as I say it will cause yellow puddles and yellow streaks on your cars as well. They try to blame pollen for it, but pollen does not contain barium. You don’t get pollen in the spring, certainly not here in Canada where I live.

That’s what we’re living in. It’s all deception. There’s so much going on and I’m sure if I were at the top of the military as a strategist I would say yes, lets destroy the immune system before we hit them with pandemics and you give them a simple virus that normally they could withstand and it will end up killing them. It makes perfect warfare strategy, doesn’t it? It really, really does.

That’s the kind of world we live in, where governments give themselves permission to poison the people. By what? By laws and we’re trained that somehow laws have a magical quality. This came from much older times when the only law that came out for 1,500 years came from the Vatican in Papal Bulls. That was law and we had this strange, strange foreign judicial system taking over and we’re given this new type where they make laws and they train us all to think that they’re somehow holy. Just as holy as the Vatican’s laws used to be and we’re not to break those laws or even question them. A law is an order. It’s an order. That’s all it is. Someone orders something and you obey. That’s what law is, but they give themselves the right to poison and experiment on their own peoples.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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