We were given indoctrinated false perceptions

” Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix. I’m trying to show you some reality as opposed to your indoctrinated false
perceptions. They’re not your perceptions really. They’ve been given to you. You had no option but to come to certain conclusions by the way information is fed to you coupled with indoctrination then repetition and it becomes custom and then you never question the custom,
you simply go through it, just like Thanksgiving*.

I always laugh really at the story of the Mayflower and the may flower in high occult is the high day of May. It’s the may flower like the Mayberry. The berry of May and the old maypole flag, the ceremony they had as they ran around the maypole before they had the old orgies in the
Middle Ages. They had red and white colors for the maypole, red and white also were the colors of the two hats of Egypt; red and white. The pharaoh wore them. Sometimes there were two pharaohs. One in the north and the south, and one would wear a red one and one wear a white one. When it was one pharaoh for both they wore the tet as they called it, and that was the red and the white hats together. Same colors as Canada was changed to after the red, white and blue, not so long ago in fact.

However, the Mayflower came there and then you have the whole story of leaving Plymouth. Plymouth means ‘many,’ ‘ply’. Ply is many, many mouths came over and then they came over supposedly with a form of constitution written with a type of democracy amongst the members that had all chartered supposedly this boat and they split up the land between them. In a sense, they had certain things in common. I found an old book going back to the 1800’s. It was an inquiry into the scandal that happened with the man who led the whole team and was in charge of it when they landed, because apparently he’d been confiscating everyone else’s property along the way over the many, many years and acquired vast amounts of money. This book I got for about $100 in a junk store, not a book store but a junk store, and it’s a fascinating read and very thick too with lots of real history in it written by those who participated at the time.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


*During a conversation with a caller, Alan Watt was asked if ‘Thanksgiving’ is a lie and this was his reply:

“Well pretty well. Of course it’s a lie. All these rituals and days they give you, even though they rehash the reasons for them, they’re all occultic dates going back into the ancient past and there’s nothing — giving thanks for what and to whom? To whom? You see, in ancient times, too, even the Catholic Church took over the old pagan festivals and added on their own festivals as well because they knew that holidays, HOLY DAYS. That’s what holiday means, Holy Days were essential to keep the peasants happy because they were slaves most of the time and so you give them this day where you could all eat their hearts out and meet each other and actually have time to talk and relax and maybe get drunk. That’s how they relaxed them once in a while with all their different days and Thanksgiving is much the same, even though gave all the different stories to the U.S. citizens as to how it started.”

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